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Sweden Solar System
Jupiter version 2

Did you know that there is a very big model in Sweden of our Solar System?

Sweden Solar System:

In the middle of 1990s I came in contact with prof. Gösta Gahm at Stockholm University, institute of Astronomy. I was a student and studied among others subjects astrophysics. At the end of the 1990s I had Gösta as a teacher and he told us about that there was something big going on, they plan to build a model of the solar system that will cover the whole Sweden! The arena Globen with a diameter of 71 meters in Stockholm will correspond to the Sun at a scale of 1:20'000'000. This project got the name Sweden Solar System.

More to read about Sweden Solar System:

After that it has been added solar system objects one by one, year after year.

In May 2019 I got an email from Gösta with an invitation to join the inauguration of the installation of Jupiter. Now it's time for the planet Jupiter to appear, but it's not the first time. Earlier it was a Jupiter model with flower plants, now it's time for Jupiter version 2.

Of course we want to visit that, I and my girlfriend traveled to Sky City (Arlanda airport) where installation was held.

Sweden Solar System - Jupiter ver. 2

How to travel to Jupiter? Well, we took the train.

Sweden Solar System - Jupiter ver. 2

We walked around in the airport hall and found one of Jupiter's four Galilean moons, the moon Callisto. Then we know that Jupiter can't be far away from here.

Sweden Solar System - Jupiter ver. 2

On our way down the stairs to Jupiter we got a fascinating view of the airport tower.

Sweden Solar System - Jupiter ver. 2

At last, we found Jupiter, the ring that hovering above me represent Jupiter, the ring's diameter is 7.1 meter. Multiply that with 20'000'000 and you have the real size of Jupiter, it's big!

Photographer: Gunilla

You can read more about Jupiter at Wikipedia:

Sweden Solar System - Jupiter ver. 2

On one window we found our planet Earth, at this scale 0.65 meter to compare with Jupiter's 7.1 meter. All the windows in this building makes interesting reflections, the rings with light are reflections of Jupiter.

Sweden Solar System - Jupiter ver. 2

We was a bit early, but now the clock is 4 pm and the presentation starts.

Sweden Solar System - Jupiter ver. 2

Prof. Nils Brenning from KTH Space and Plasma physic start with a talk and introduced the music group Soffgruppen.

Sweden Solar System - Jupiter ver. 2

Spherical music by Soffgruppen, Joel, Elin and Mira. They have chosen music with connection to space.

If you want to know more about Soffgruppen you find them at Instagram:

After this concert it was time for a new talk.

Sweden Solar System - Jupiter ver. 2

Prof. Gösta Gahm Stockholm University enters the scene and tells us about his role in Sweden Solar System. It was Gösta and Nils who started and developed the ideas of the Sweden Solar System.

Sweden Solar System - Jupiter ver. 2

Note the exiting reflection in the window, it's like a space ship landing at the airport.

Sweden Solar System - Jupiter ver. 2

In the 1990s the discussion was, how big shall the solar system model be? Cover the University, Stockholm or even bigger? They didn't want Earth to be just a sand grain, they increased the model to cover the whole Sweden. Nils explain how they used rubber bands to find the correct sizes of the models.

Sweden Solar System - Jupiter ver. 2

There is not only the planet Jupiter, even the four big Galilean moons are here. Gösta loves teaching out his knowledge, both I and Gunilla have had Gösta as a teacher in astronomy.

Sweden Solar System - Jupiter ver. 2

Prof. Stas Barabash, director of Institution Space physic (Institutet för Rymdfysik). Stas told us about the new satellite JUICE that are closing in to Jupiter. JUICE is a big European project and is a cooperation between Rymdstyrelsen, IRF, KTH, Chalmer, Omnisys and RUAG.

Stas has provided two links for you that want to dig deeper in the details (English and Swedish):

Sweden Solar System - Jupiter ver. 2

CEO Marita Loft from Storebrand tells how they had to take the land where the Jupiter flower model was when they built the new Clarion Hotel. With that they started to plan for a new model of Jupiter inside the new building.

Sweden Solar System - Jupiter ver. 2

Marita uncover the big information sign about Jupiter.

Sweden Solar System - Jupiter ver. 2

The band Soffgruppen ends with a song dedicated to the Moon.

Sweden Solar System - Jupiter ver. 2

Architect Andreas Fries from Strategisk Arkitektur tells us about how they designed the Jupiter model to remind you of Jupiter's clouds and lightnings.

Sweden Solar System - Jupiter ver. 2

Nils, Marita, Gösta, Henrik and Andreas. After this, mingle, snacks and drinks, now we are going to learn to know each other and have interesting talks. Note the tie Nils is wearing, a Jupiter tie!

Sweden Solar System - Jupiter ver. 2

After one hour walking around and talk to all people my girlfriend Gunilla took this photo of me, Gösta and Peter. We are looking up to Jupiter.

Sweden Solar System - Jupiter ver. 2

Peter Rosén is very famous for his astrophotography, we have only been in contact by email and telephone earlier. It was a surprise to find him here, we had a lot to talk about. I, Gunilla and Peter spent one more hour discussing everything worth to mention.

A Journey to Jupiter, by Peter Rosén and people all around the world:

This was a cooperation project all around Earth with Peter as project leader.

Sweden Solar System - Jupiter ver. 2

Four hours later, time to go back home. What an exiting day and lot of nice people to talk with. Not everyday you get introduced to a new planet model!

At Wikipedia you can find more information:

Don't forget to take a look at the Jupiter model next time you visit Arlanda airport, you find it at Clarion Hotel at Sky City.

Something very sad has happen, in January 2021 I got the information that Gösta had passed away. We had known each other for more than 25 years, both I and Gunilla had him as a teacher in more than one courses we took in astronomy from 1995 to 2002 and we kept the contact since then. This meeting with the Jupiter model was the last time we saw him and at Christmas I got a greeting from him, since then nothing. Goodbye Gösta, we hope you have a great time up among the stars !

Lars and Gunilla

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