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3D printing

At last I bought a 3D printer, a kit with Delta construction. My main use of this 3D printer will be to make adapters that I need to my astronomy equipment. And I use it a lot !

3D delta printer:
My 3D-printer kit. First I must assembling, setup and calibrate the printer:

3D Delta printer
3D printer assembling and setup

3D CAD design and STL files

If you want to make your own special designed 3-Printed items you need how to make CAD drawings. I have documented my work, you can use it as a tutorial, but you also need to watch tutorials on YouTube. Note: this is new to me, my later attempts are more correct.

These drawings I have made with the FreeCAD software:

I have recently added some STL files in ZIP format for you to download if you find it interesting to 3D-print them.

N note: these files are in a very early development. You use them at your own risk !

To do list:
EQ6 latitude adjusting improvement.


Adapter 90 degree:
3D printing an adapter to the polar scope to attach a camera 90 degree angled viewer:

Polar scope adapter

Download of STL file (ZIP):
This is a more stable adapter (page 3) of my own design:

Polar finder adapter, HEQ5/EQ6, version 1_5(not test printed)
3D print: Adapter to polar scope to attach to camera 90 degree viewer
3D print: Adapter to polar scope to attach to camera 90 degree viewer

Balance shaft adapter:
To get it easier to find balance weights to the telescope I made an adapter. Reduce my training weight's hole from 26 mm to 19 mm that fit the balance bar on the mount. Fits EQ6/HEQ5 mounts:

3D-print: Balance shaft adapter

Download of STL file:

Balance shaft adapter, bar and nut, version 1.06(latest version, not test printed, the nut is very difficult to get correct)
3D CAD STL file: Balance shaft adapter, from 19 mm to 26 mm

DCPMBL motor for direct drive mount:
Just some thoughts how to 3D-print a brushless, permanent magnet electric motor for a direct driven mount. Direct drive means that there are no need for gears:

3D-print: Direct drive motors

Sight for telescope:
When aim the telescope towards the stars it could sometimes be useful to have a simple sight attached to the telescope.:

3D-print: Sight

Download of STL file:

Sight, front and back, version 1.2(test printed)
3D CAD STL file: Sight for telescope

Our IGF Copenhagen gas oven has got broken knob's scale rings. They were difficult to find new and I have designed a new one for 3D-printing:

CAD design IGF knob's scale ring

Download of STL file:

crossfire-turn-signal-parts version)
3D CAD design IGF knob with scale

I have found that they no longer manufacturing the turn signals of my Chrysler Crossfire. In an attempt to fix this I have designed an adapter that can hold a modern certified LED turn signal:

CAD design turn signal adapter

Download of STL file:

crossfire-turn-signal-parts version, not test printed)
Chrysler Crossfire 3D-printed turn signal adapter

It's a bit difficult to put on the front cover on the Pentax 645 300 mm lens. I designed a new one that fits better:

CAD design of front cover

Download of STL file:

Pentax 300 front cover 1.0(test printed)
CAD design Pentax 645 300 mm ED front cover

When I made a LED stripe holder I learned how to design spiral patterns in FreeCAD:

CAD design with spiral pattern
CAD design with spiral pattern

In one of my projects, I try to solve a friction coupled focuser problem with a rack & pinion gears:
3D a spare foot for the couch:

3D-print: rack & pinion gears
CAD drawing: Helical gears rack and pinion

Mio Enjoy recliner couch foot:
3D a spare foot for the couch:

3D-print: Couch spare foot

Download of STL file:

Mio Enjoy recliner coach foot 1.0(test printed)
CAD drawing: Mio Enjoy recliner couch foot

EQ6 lid:
This lid will replace the original EQ6 lid in my AstroEQ project:

3D-print: EQ6 lid

Download of STL file:

EQ6 Lid AstroEQ version 1.1(test printed)
EQ6 Lid FYSETC-E4 version 2.3(not test printed)
CAD drawing: EQ6 Lid CAD drawing: EQ6 Lid

EQ6 & HEQ5 Pad:
A test if I can use my 3D-printer to make the distance pad between the EQ6 head and the pier:

3D-print: EQ6 & HEQ5 Pad

Download of STL file:

EQ6 Pad version 1.2(needs some adjustment)
HEQ5 Pad version 1.1(needs some adjustment)
CAD drawing: EQ6 Pad

Viewfinder cover:
It's designed for my Canon EOS 6D, maybe it fit other Canon EOS DSLR cameras as well. It's important to cover the viewfinder, you don't want any light coming in through this hole:

3D-print: Viewfinder cover Canon 6D

Download of STL file:

Viewfinder cover Canon EOS 6D version 1.2(test printed)
CAD drawing: Viewfinder cover, Canon EOS 6D

180 teeth pulley:
This pulley is for the Pentax 645 300 mm ED f/4 lens:

3D-print: Pulley for Pentax 645 300 mm lens

Download of STL file:

180 teeth pulley for Pentax 645 300 mm ED f/4 lens version 1.1(test printed)
CAD drawing: 180 teeth pulley for Pentax 645 300 mm ED f/4 lens4 ED lensor holder

Bracket, tube ring:
This bracket holds a Pentax 645 300 mm ED lens, medium format:

Making of drawing: Pentax 645 300 mm lens bracket

Download of STL file:

Bracket Pentax 645 lens back end version 1.0(test printed) Note: this is a heavy lens, have some security strap on it to not drop it if the tube ring breaks !
CAD drawing: Tube ring for Pentax 645 300 mm f 1/4 ED lensor holder

Temperature sensor holder:
This bracket holds the temperature sensor against the dovetail:

Making of drawing: temperature sensor holder

Download of STL file:

Temperature sensor holder version 1.1(test printed)
CAD drawing: Temperature sensor holder

Compass mount:
Making of the drawing, I need a foot or mount to my father's old compass, I plan to have it in the book shelf:

Making of drawing: compass mount

Download of STL file:

Compass mount ver 1.1(not test printed yet)
CAD drawing: Compas mount

Bracket, tube ring:
Making of the drawings for the QHY5 camera and a tube ring to the Tokina 200 mm f 1/3.5 lens, used as guide camera:

Making of drawing: bracket, tube ring

Download of STL file:

QHY5 bracket version 2.1(not test printed yet)
Tokina tube ring version 2.1(not test printed yet)
CAD drawing: bracket for QHY5 camera

GT2 Pulleys:
Making of the drawings for GT2 pulleys to the Canon 300 mm L f 1/4 lens focuser:

Making of drawing: GT2 pulleys
CAD drawing for GT2 pulleys to lens focuser

Motor focusing bracket:
My first CAD drawing, a motor focuser bracket:

Making of drawing: stepper motor bracket
Motor focuser bracket

Overview of CAD ideas:
Some 3D CAD drawing drafts during practicing CAD:

3D CAD drafts
Drafts of 3D CAD drawings

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