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My astronomy project:
Setup a WIFI, Raspberry


  1. Setup WIFI Hotspot, 64-bit OS
  2. Setup WIFI Hotspot, 32-bit OS
  3. To be continued

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1, Setup WIFI Hotspot, 64-bit OS:

I do this on my Raspberry Pi5 with a 64-bit OS.

Setup GPS:

When out on the field it's very convenient if the control system can be operated over a WIFI Hot Spot. That function is already built in to the Raspberry OS, but you must enable it.

Here are instructions hot to do that:

You find a lot of other useful information at that homepage too.

Alternative setup of access point:

WIFI problem:

I had always had some problem when I control the Raspberry over WIFI. The signal strength is okay but still it disconnect and reconnect all the time.

Setup WIFI Hotspot on a Raspberry Pi5 and 64-bit OS

One idea is that it's the passive cooler I use screen off the WIFI transmitter.

Setup WIFI Hotspot on a Raspberry Pi5 and 64-bit OS

The lower part, the lid of the cooler isn't used as a cooler, only a part of the chassi. The WIFI antenna sits on the circuit board here, if I replace this aluminum lid with a plastic lid the transmission should be better.

Setup WIFI Hotspot on a Raspberry Pi5 and 64-bit OS

This is the design of the new plastic cooler lid which I 3D-print.

Setup WIFI Hotspot on a Raspberry Pi5 and 64-bit OS

The aluminum lid replaced with the new plastic lid. It helped a bit to increase the radio signal, no that big problem anymore with lag when controlling it over WIFI spot.

Disable WIFI sleep mode:

There are many things that are wrong here. The Raspberry's WIFI sleep mode is enabled. You can check that on your RP with this command:

  • iw wlan0 get power_save
Power save: on

It should off course be: off. This command disable sleep mode:

  • sudo iw wlan0 set power_save off

But this isn't permanent, every time the RP is started up this command must be typed in. Here is a suggestion how to do this by automatic every time it boot up. A command can be placed in the file /etc/rc.local.

Setup WIFI Hotspot on a Raspberry Pi5 and 64-bit OS

From the terminal window, open the /etc/ library, there should be a "rc.local" file there.

Setup WIFI Hotspot on a Raspberry Pi5 and 64-bit OS

The command:

  • sudo nano /etc/rc.local

Opens the "rc.local" file. Type in this line before the "exit 0" line.

  • sudo iw wlan0 set power_save off

After reboot, testing:

  • iw wlan0 get power_save
Power save: off

Now it's setup with no sleeping mode.

Configure Max Current:

My power supply is a standard 12 to 5 volt DC/DC 5 Ampere converter. There is no intelligence built into it. Then the Raspberry assume that it only can deliver about 2 ampere and limit the peripherals current consumption. The big problem for me is the WIFI module, it consume some power. The Raspberry shut it down from time to time and the tablet/smartphone loose the WIFI connection. There is a workaround for this: How to power the Pi 5 without the official power supply .

Setup WIFI Hotspot on a Raspberry Pi5 and 64-bit OS

The file "config.txt" they talk about is stored in the firmware map. Later I found that it's possible to do this from the Raspberry desktop. Use the Raspberry Pi configuration from menu. Setup > performance. At full current, turn on.

Setup WIFI Hotspot on a Raspberry Pi5 and 64-bit OS

With the sudo nano command I edit the config.txt file:

  • sudo nano /boot/firmware/config.txt

Scroll down to the end and paste the two lines at the end:

  • psu_max_current=5000
  • usb_max_current=1

Quit with Ctrl X and type Y (Yes) and then Enter to save the file.

Note: I'm not sure about the line "psu_max_current=5000", some says I should place it here and some that I should place it in the eeprom.

Setup WIFI Hotspot on a Raspberry Pi5 and 64-bit OS

Do a check that the new line is in the file at the end. If it's okay reboot the Raspberry. The first test I did with the WIFI spot showed a big improvement. Much faster response and no time out yet. Still it can be improved, but I can use it now. I know this problem with Raspberry and power supply from earlier but forgot it because all other things looks to work so fine. Thanks to all my friends that has come with ideas what I should look after.

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