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GT2 pulleys for focusing a camera lens


  1. Calculating number of teeth
  2. CAD of 15 teeth pulley, part 1
  3. CAD of 15 teeth pulley, part 2
  4. CAD of 15 teeth pulley, part 3
  5. CAD of 15 save and prepare to print, part 4
  6. CAD of 174 teeth pulley, part 1
  7. CAD of 174 teeth pulley, part 2
  8. CAD of 174 teeth pulley, part 3
  9. CAD of 174 save and prepare to print, part 4
  10. CAD of 174 clean from support material, part 5
  11. CAD of 174 new version, part 6
  12. CAD of 174 slicing and printing, part 7
  13. CAD of 12 and 15 teeth, new design, part 1
  14. CAD of 12 and 15 teeth, printing, part 2
  15. CAD of 180 teeth pulley, part 1
  16. CAD of 180 teeth pulley, part 2
  17. CAD of 180 teeth pulley, part 3
  18. To be continued

I take no responsibility or liability for what are written here, you use the information at your own risk!

4, CAD of 15 teeth pulley, part 3:

This hole is even more difficult to make because it's perpendicular to a curved surface.

Making a hole to the lock screw:

This was complicated, much easier of course to drill the hole after it's printed. But better to learn how to do this for the future.

3D CAD: Making a drawing for GT2 pulleys to the focuser of lens

To lock the pulley to the shaft I need a lock screw.

3D CAD: Making a drawing for GT2 pulleys to the focuser of lens

Orient the pulley along the Z-axis. We have to make a hole through the curved surface. I couldn't find how to make a circle on a curved surface. I do it with another method, the subtraction method. Switch to part Mode.

3D CAD: Making a drawing for GT2 pulleys to the focuser of lens

Make a cylinder, 10 mm long and with a radius of 2 mm. But where is it ?

3D CAD: Making a drawing for GT2 pulleys to the focuser of lens

Rotate the pulley 45 degrees, and there it is, inside the pulley.

3D CAD: Making a drawing for GT2 pulleys to the focuser of lens

Change the radius to 1 mm to have a hole of 2 mm diameter, for a threaded hole, M3 the hole diameter shall be 2.5 mm. I didn't trust the precision and I drill it from 2 to 2.5 mm later and then threaded it.

With the cylinder it the menu to the left marked, switch over to Task Menu.

3D CAD: Making a drawing for GT2 pulleys to the focuser of lens

Change the Rotation option to: Euler angles XY'Z".

3D CAD: Making a drawing for GT2 pulleys to the focuser of lens

Change the Pitch to 90 degree.

3D CAD: Making a drawing for GT2 pulleys to the focuser of lens

Translate along the Z-axis 5 mm.

3D CAD: Making a drawing for GT2 pulleys to the focuser of lens

Mark Hole and Cylinder (hold down the Ctrl key). The order you click them decide which of them that will be subtracted.

3D CAD: Making a drawing for GT2 pulleys to the focuser of lens

Click on the button: Make a cut of two shapes. We have a hole perpendicular to the Z axis.

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