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My astronomy project:
Setup astroserver with Raspberry Pi3


  1. Change from Windows to a Linux astroserver
  2. Collecting information and demands on the astroserver
  3. Installation of Ubuntu Mate, setup WIFI
  4. Installation of vino VNC, setup screen
  5. Installation of KStars on Raspberry (Old, don't use this instruction !)
  6. Test of controlling the Canon camera in KStars/Ekos (Old, don't use this instruction !)
  7. Test of controlling the mount with INDI EQMod in KStars/Ekos (Old, don't use this instruction !)

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I take no responsibility for what are written here, you use the information at your own risk!

6: Test of controlling the Canon camera in KStars/Ekos

How to setup the INDI and Ekos for your devices you find in the introduction movie by Jasem Mutlaq and linked help files, you find it at page 2 of this project.

Before starting to setup the camera you can follow Jasem setup page and do the main configuration:

Jasem's setup guide go through everything, but you can also my specific setup with my equipment.

Now it's only one problem to solve before I can start testing this server:

  • In Kstars/Ekos I can't connect to EQMOD and Canon camera correctly

With help from Magnus I solved the Canon problem, the problem was that it was auto-mounted to the desktop. You must unmount it if this occur.

I have worked out how to do it direct in dconfig editor without using the terminal window, you can open dconf editor from the desktop like this:

Start Dconfig editor

Find the file that has to be reconfigured, org>gnome>desktop>media-handling:

dconf editor edit automount properties

Uncheck the automount and automount-open, looks correct but still it automount for me, I will come back about this. You can still unmount the camera from desktop if it shows up, right click on the icon and unmount, you have to do this every time it shows up. If you have a DSLR camera as I have you should turn off the cameras sleeping mode.

After this I didn't have any big problem to control my camera with Ekos.

Start Kstars and then from tools start Ekos:

Ekos start in Kstars

Make your own profile in Ekos:

Ekos profile editor

Click on the button between the + and - sign. In the new windows that come up, give it a name. I have a Canon camera, maybe you have something else. Connect, save and close the window, don't forget to set mode to local because you have Kstars and Ekos installed on the server if you followed this project/tutorial.

Start INDI, the cameras info about no of pixels will update after your first photo, if not use the update button to the right of the pixel info after you have taken your first image.

Now you have to setup your camera from control panel, look also under Options tab.

Control panel, setup Canon DSLR camera

I will not give any comments about the setup of the Canon camera, we all have different cameras, you will find that at INDI forum or just Google on it.

A great thanks to all that have helped me to come so far, Magnus, Erland, Håkan, Frazze and people from INDI forum!

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