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My astronomy project:
EQ6 Mount and OnStep driver


  1. Introduction, EQ6 and OnStep
  2. OnStep Hardware
  3. Setup FYSETC E4 board
  4. Compile & Upload
  5. Web browser parameter setup
  6. Enclosure and peripherals
  7. To be continued

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I take no responsibility or liability for what are written here, you use the information on your own risk!

5, Web browser parameter setup:

Now the fun starts, I can start testing the OnStepX functions and setup the parameters.

Verifying operation:

SkyWatcher EQ6 Mount and OnStep driver

Open the "Serial Monitor" from the Tools Menu. Type in: ":GVP#" and OnStepX answer with a "On-Step#", if you get that it's working.

Connect to WiFi:

SkyWatcher EQ6 Mount and OnStep driver

The OnStepX setup a WiFi spot with SSID OnStepX. Connect to it from a PC or Smartphone, password is "password".

Smart Web Server:

SkyWatcher EQ6 Mount and OnStep driver

In your web browser, type in the IP address: and you should have this window in the web browser.

Instructions how to setup the OnStepX with Smart Web Server:

Setup RA/DEC stepper motors:

SkyWatcher EQ6 Mount and OnStep driver

You have to calculate some of the parameters. This is an example of my special built EQ6 mount:

Parameter Formula calculation * result
Steps per worm rotation Ratio2 * Steps/rev * Microsteps 60/16 * 200 * 32 24'000
Steps per degree Ratio1 * Ratio2 * Steps/rev * Microsteps / 360 180 * 60/16 * 200 * 32 / 360 12'000
Ratio1 Worm gear 180/1 180
Ratio2 Spur gear 60/16 3.75
* my modified EQ6 mount

In the beginning I also lower the step motor current from 500 mA to 200 mA. Both RA and DEC axis has the same gear ratios.

Setup INDI for OnStepX:

SkyWatcher EQ6 Mount and OnStep driver

There are a lot of similarities with EQMOD, so it's easy to setup.

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