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February 17, 2025

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AstroImageJ Align and Drizzle


  1. Introduction matrix
  2. Align points test
  3. Size of output matrix
  4. Inverse matrix
  5. Determinant
  6. Matlab and Octave
  7. Parallel Super-Resolution Plug in
  8. Parallel Super-Resolution Plug in, test 2
  9. Temporary solution with new workflow

I take no responsibility or liability for what are written here, you use the information at your own risk!

8, Parallel Super-Resolution Plug in, test 2:

Now I'm curious, what will happen if I try to do apply a Super Resolution function to images taken through my APO refractor. They are also undersampled.

See below:

Optical Setup: TS130, Canon 6D, reducer

Optical setup

My routines goes like this:

  • I already have images that are demosaiced from standard process
  • Choose the green channel, 66 dithered sub images
  • Crop to 200 x 200 around the object
  • One point whole pixel pre align
  • Parallel Super Resolution function
  • Save the result

Here are three images of the same M13 as earlier, APO refractor TS130 (5.25") and Canon 6D camera.

TS130 APO refractor 684 mm focallenght

A standard process and the green channel from the demosaiced images. A 4x Zoom has been applied to get equal scale compare to images below.

Aligned hr gauss newton hybr 2x

Here the plugin Parallel Super Resolution setup to 2x. A 2x Zoom has been applied, looks sharper but horrible ringing effects around bright stars.

Aligned hr gauss newton hybr 4x

Here the plugin Parallel Super Resolution setup to 4x. No Zoom has been applied. Even on this one I got rings around brighter stars. Probably my seeing is much worse than 2" and then this Super Resolution wont work, because it's not under sampled relative the seeing. With shorter exposures that freeze the seeing and select the sharp images it should work.

I have to work with the plugin's parameters to see if I can reduce the distortion.

To process this 200 x 200 pixels image the computer needed 7 GB of RAM memory!

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