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Chrysler Crossfire
Turn signal light adapter

This is one information page of my collection of what I have repaired on my Crossfire.

You should not do any repair on your car if you don't have enough experience and knowledge! You use this information at your own risk! Don't blame me if something goes wrong.


Crossfire share most of it's chassis parts with Mercedes SLK R170 with the 320 engine.

Turn signal lights:

In Sweden and most other countries the lights on a car must be certified. In Europe we have E-standard.

More information at Wikipedia:

Chrysler Crossfire, Turn signal light adapter, 3D-print

1, Turn signal light adapter:


I destroyed my turn signal on the fender by accident. When I searched for a new I found that there where no new or used anymore to find. Luckily I could repair the the old but for the future I must have a better solution. Here I design an adapter to mount more modern E certified LED turn signals.

I live in Sweden and here we use the fender light as a turn signal, it has a white glass and yellow lamp. In other countries it could be different.

The original part number of these white turn lights are:

  • Left: A193 820 01 21
  • Right: A193 820 02 21

Search for: "Chrysler Crossfire turn signals" or "Chrysler Crossfire directional signals"

With help from Chrysler Crossfire forum I got this link:

Looks fine but I don't think they are E-certified.

Chrysler Crossfire: Turn signal light adapter, 3D-print

It's not so easy to design an object with these curved surfaces. I use FreeCAD to do this design in 3D.

Chrysler Crossfire: Turn signal light adapter, 3D-print

After a couple of hours I got this prototype that I can use to test if the shape fit the body of the car.

Chrysler Crossfire: Turn signal light adapter, 3D-print

It take almost 2 hours to print even in draft mode.

Chrysler Crossfire: Turn signal light adapter, 3D-print

My first prototype. I have to remove all extra material the 3D-printer has added.

Chrysler Crossfire: Turn signal light adapter, 3D-print

Not to different compare to the original.

I had something like this in mind when I did the design:

But I made the rectangular hole bigger 30x15 mm to accept others as well. In my car there is no alarm for broken bulbs. If you have it it can cause problem with some LEDs.

Chrysler Crossfire: Turn signal light adapter, 3D-print

Already the first prototype fits well. The surface of it is very rough, but I 3D-printed these prototypes in fast mode.

Chrysler Crossfire: Turn signal light adapter, 3D-print

I have to extend the lower part to the left and to the right the radius must be bigger. The curvature of it was almost perfect. Later I must add some hooks on the backside to hold it in place. And then I have to mirror it for the left side.

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