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Star Adventurer and angled viewfinder

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Polar align with an angled viewfinder

When living in Northern (or Southern) as I do at a latitude of 60 degrees there is difficult to look through the polar telescope finder. I have to do something about it. I could built some electronic viewfinder, but that involve more electronics that has to be powered. For my travel mini mount I want it as simple as possible. Long time ago I had an angled viewfinder on my SLR camera. It worked but the image was a bit dim. Maybe something that I can use to my polar telescope finder, or? When I Google on it I of course found that others already have done this. Here is my version of the angled viewfinder.

Polar telescope finder adapter

I bought a simple angled viewfinder on eBay, it has selectable magnification, 1x or 2x, that can be useful. There are a lot of other versions of view finders too and maybe you already have one laying around from your old SLR camera.

Polar telescope finder adapter

The feeling is a little bit plastic but the function looks to be good. This viewer fits directly on my Canon EOS 6D camera, but there are a lot of adapters included to other cameras as well.

Polar telescope finder adapter

This is the entrance to the viewer with a rectangular mount, Canon and other cameras standard.

Polar telescope finder adapter

Of the six included adapters I found the Nikon adapter fits best on my Star Adventurer mount's polar scope.

Polar telescope finder adapter

I have to build a holder / adapter between these two parts, I have seen there are drawings to 3D printers that can be downloaded to made this part, but I don't have a 3D printer, yet.

Polar telescope finder adapter

My girlfriend had a couple of these old film canisters, they fits almost perfect after some modifications.

Polar telescope finder adapter

I cut the length of the canister and made a hole at the end.

Polar telescope finder adapter

With some tape on the polar telescope finder I could easily press the tube on the polar scope.

Polar telescope finder adapter

Maybe it doesn't look very good, but now I can do a test if the function is up to my expectations.

Polar telescope finder adapter

This is how it looks when mounted on the polar scope. I tested it from my balcony, and the image is clear and bright. This should work.

For you who have a 3D printer maybe this is useful, it looks to be same as I have:

Or a ready made adapter, tips from Birderman APT forum:

Now I have to test this on real astrophotography, if I can get the polar align better then I can have longer exposure times or longer focal lengths. It should work on my EQ6 mount also, but normally I polar align with the drift align method in that case.

Now I have used my angled viewfinder for the first time, what a difference! For the first time I can really see what's in the polar scope. Now I can adjust the mount very exactly to the polar star at the circle. Two minutes exposure time with a 150 mm lens, no problem anymore.

This was the test object:

To get it even better I need a better adapter to the polar scope and a holder for the red lamp.

New version, now 3D printed:

Polar telescope finder adapter

Much better function and stability now with the 3D printed adapter, look here how I did it.

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