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My astronomy project:
Building an Observatory
(or a playhouse for big boys and girls)


  1. Frame
  2. Roof
    1. Building the roof frame
    2. Building the door
    3. Building the hatch
    4. Mounting the roof panels
    5. Roof top panels
    6. Roof side panels
  3. Roof mechanics
  4. Floor

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Page II.5: Roof top panels

Today I shall try to make a top cover of the joint of the two roofs. Not an easy project.

Observatory top roof panels

I need some profiles with length of 2.5 meters, these was the only ones I could find, they are made of steel. I need two of them.

Observatory top roof panels

First I made this distance of wood to have something to mount the top panels at.

Observatory top roof panels

The distance in place.

Observatory top roof panels

The profile that cover the lower big roof at right. You can see how the right side of profile ride on top of the plastic roof panel.

Observatory top roof panels

From other side and now the second top roof panel in place. To the right is the panel that cover the lower roof panel. The joint between the two steel profiles I will use as an air ventilation outflow with a filter to stop bugs come in.

Observatory top roof panels

A view over the small roof panel with the top cover, it looks nice.

Observatory top roof panels

The left roof swing over the right roof panel when closing. I already now see that I will get a problem here. The right roof panel isn't very step. If the wind blow from wrong direction it will press the water up under the top cover and then drop over the edge into the observatory, a soft gasket maybe will be the solution.

Observatory top roof panels

In closed position.

Observatory top roof panels

View over the big roof panel. I feel this will not be easy to get to function properly. It had been easier If I had chosen an ordinary sliding roof. But then it hadn't been as exiting as this solution, and if I don't want to have any problems I shouldn't doing astronomy at all! I can always change the construction easy to a sliding roof. The drawback with a sliding one part roof is that I need an opening to the telescope.

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