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My astronomy project:
Building an Observatory
(or a playhouse for big boys and girls)


  1. Frame
  2. Roof
  3. Roof mechanics
  4. Floor
    1. EQ6 mount inside observatory
    2. Floor
    3. Floor around pier

I take no responsibility or liability for what are written here, you use the information on your own risk!

Page IV.1: Building a floor to the observatory

Have you ever drop a part from your telescope on the ground and then couldn't find it again? Maybe one very big reason to have a floor in the observatory. A more controlled environment is an another benefit.

EQ6 mount inside observatory

Before I started with the floor, I was very curious how my EQ6 mount would look like and fit inside the observatory. This is how it looks, as you can see I have to raise the mount with a distance from the pier to come up in level of the wall's upper side. I plan to have a bigger mount in future, that why it's so low now.

Maybe I even rebuilt this mount to a no meridian flip mount, then I also need more space:

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