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Astronomi, علم الفلك, астрономия, astronoomia, tähtitiede, ასტრონომიის, αστρονομία, אַסטרוֹנוֹמִיָה, stjörnufræði, 天文学, 천문학, astronomija, ستاره شناسی, astronomia, астрономия, ดาราศาสตร์, Astronomie, астрономія, csillagászat

The Golden Book of Astronomy

The Golden Book of Astronomy
I saw this book in a book store in 1970, I asked my mom if I could get it as a gift. She looked in it and said to me, it's an old book, don't you want some more modern ? Yes she was right, it was printed already 1957, that year the Russians sent up the Sputnik. It's fascinating to read in the book today, what a lot more we have learned the last 65 years. We have walked on the Moon, built space telescopes, sent robots to mars and so on.

Ever since my father built me a telescope in the 1960s I have been interested in Astronomy. Now with the 3D-printer I can build part of my complicated equipment.

Watch BEFORE get into the astrophotography!

The Lazy Geek, YouTube

The Lazy Geek, YouTube

Astro corner

Astro corner

My equipment waiting in the corner for a clear sky. The big white tube is a 5 1/4 " APO 910 mm f/7 telescope. The black box contain my wide angle setup, a Pentax FA 645 300 mm ED f/4. The cameras are a Canon 6D and a Nikon D800, both full frame. One EQ6 mount on the balcony and one HEQ5 low rider mount for the travel to dark places.


Observationsplatser i Södra Stockholm(Sweden) Sweden


Tips på platser i södra Stockholm där du har mörker och plats att stå på.

Jag har uppdaterat denna sida med populära turistplatser där svenskar vanligen åker, Spanien, Portugal etc. Dit är det billigt och enkelt att åka.

Observationsplatser Syd Europa.

Vill du ha full service? Här har jag samlat länkar till Astro Tourism.

Astro Tourism.

Observationsplatser i Stocknolm, Sweden

Observationsplatser i Syd Europa

Interesting object to see from Sweden

Star Charts over the sky

Not updated anymore

Starcharts seen from Sweden

Astronomy Science data

Astronomy Science data

Compare your own images with science data

POSS-I data, Andromeda galaxy

Astronomy Dictionary

Astronomy Dictionary
Astronomy Dictionary

Astronomy Excel calculations
and online Web calculators

Astronomy Calculations
Astronomy Calculations

Looking for retailers, parts or information?

Here is my list of astronomy related links that I have collected over the years.

Astronomy related links
Astronomy related links

Telescope adapters and threads table

adapters and threads
Pentax M42 to 1.252 ocular adapter

My astronomy photos

My Astronomy photos
Comet Hyakutake

Meteorite craters / impacts

Meteorite craters

New, updated with better maps over Sweden.

Observatory sites that I have visited

Observatory sites

Astronomy projects, DIY

Astronomy projects
focuser friction

My tutorials


My astronomy equipment

EQ6 mount

Astronomy related articles, seminars and reports

Astronomy related articles

Astronomi historierSweden

Stories from amateur astronomers.

Stories from amateur astronomers
Astronomy stories
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