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An introduction to AstroImageJ


  1. Introduction
  2. Download and Installation
  3. My own downloadable macrosNew version 2020 !
  4. How to use macro 'Make master files from raw files'
  5. How to use macro 'Batch read raw files and calibrate'
  6. How to align rggb files
  7. How to stack rggb object files
  8. How to use included extra macros (During Work !)

I take no responsibility or liability for what are written here, you use the information at your own risk!

3, My own macros:

Here I have my own developed macros and they can be downloaded here. You download and use them at your own risk and make sure you have a backup of your files!

DSLR camera's raw files special macros

It's a good idea to separate the CFA-files to it's color components. It make it easer to make good quality master flats and also save RAM memory when processing. The technique to do dark and bias calibration I do here is a little special. Se the link on first page about "Image Reduction".

I have now totally rewritten my macros, I combine the batch read and calibration with make master files in one macro. Then I can share the functions between them. I also have added a simple tool, the 'Frame selection test' macro, with that you can examine if your camera's has an over scan region in your raw files. There is also a lite version, the 'Batch read raw files lite version' macro. The first step is to convert the RAW files to TIFF 16-bit format.

You can download my macros at the bottom of this page.

When you processing these files you must use AIJs normal processing tools as a complement to my macros. AIJ has a lot of support for that and here I have a collection of links with information how to do that:

My own tutorial here, this page and partt 4 and 5 are special for RAW files with over scan areas (Canon and more ?), the other pages are more general for other cameras.

Run my macro files:

When you start AstroImageJ it should come up like this. Under the dropdown menu Plugins>Batch read raw files and calibrate you fin my macros.

AstroImageJ, AIJ: plugin files

After this it's easy to run the macro, just click on it: 'Batch read raw files and calibration'.

Macro: 'Batch read raw files and calibration':

Click on the the 'Batch read raw files and calibration' macro and you come to this menu:

AstroImageJ macro: Main menu, batch processing raw files

This is the main menu, there are two choices you can chooses from (will be more later):

  • Batch read raw files and calibration
  • Make master Bias, Dark and Flat cal files
  • Make stack of aligned files
AstroImageJ macro: Two choices to choose from

I start to explain how to make master bias, dark and flats on the next page.

Download my own macros:

The download page is moved to here, AstroImageJ download.

At that page you also find other AstroImageJ related files to download.

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Next: macro 'Make master files from raw files'

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