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Nikon D800 for astrophotography ?


  1. Nikon D800 overview
  2. To be continued

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1: Overview

I recently bought a Nikon D800 DSLR camera. My idea is to replace my Canon 6D DSLR with this.

Some examples where this Nikon D800 has been used in astrophotography:

Pentax 645 FA 300 mm ED f/4 lens for astrophoto

The Nikon D800 is similar to my Canon 6D but heavier and bigger.

Pentax 645 300 mm ED f/4 lens for astrophoto

First thing to do is to remove the filter in front of the sensor.

Links with information about Nikon D800 and instructions how to remove the filters:

Much more will come later about this camera project. Most important, I own one now !

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