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Nikon D800 for astrophotography ?


  1. Nikon D800 overview
  2. Adapter Nikon to Pentax 645
  3. Lid, Dove tail, Tube ring
  4. Focuser mechanism, driver
  5. Off-axis guide camera
  6. Computer module and DC/DC converter
  7. DC/DC general triple converters
  8. Main bracket
  9. Wiring & USB-HUB
  10. Test with Windows and APT
  11. First Light
  12. Balance system
  13. Nikon vs Canon, Pentax FA vs Pentax
  14. Tilt adjuster
  15. KStars/INDI setup for Nikon
  16. To be continued

I take no responsibility or liability for what are written here, you use the information on your own risk!

10: Test with Windows and APT

My plan is to have my new system to run on either a Windows system or a Linux system. I start with some test with Windows and the controller software APT which I always used earlier.

Connecting to the PC:

Nikon D800 for Astrophotography ?

I don't have a mini PC anymore that I can install direct on the telescope. I have to use my stationary computer. I connect it to the PC's USB3 ports. Use the camera's internal battery to power the camera.

APT, setup for Nikon:

Nikon D800 for Astrophotography ?

I installed the APT v3.83 software and the needed Windows NET 2.0/3.5 on my stationary Windows PC machine. Startup the APT software. Set it up to connect to my Nikon camera, a D800.

Setup a test plan:

Nikon D800 for Astrophotography ?

To emulate a real astrophoto session I setup a test plan with five photos in raw format.

USB monitor:

Nikon D800 for Astrophotography ?

Open the USB monitor to have a look if everything is okay, the Nikon camera is there with the name D800.

Start the test plan:

Nikon D800 for Astrophotography ?

Run the test plan, it start to take the five photos I setup. From the log I can see that there are 9 seconds between the photos. 2 seconds are the exposure time and there is a 1 seconds delay. Then there is 6 seconds for transfer the file from the camera. It should go much faster I hope. My Canon need 9 seconds in the old 32-bit software and 2 seconds in the new 64-bit software (Linux) plus the overhead time, maybe something with the setup.

Downloaded image files:

Nikon D800 for Astrophotography ?

Check what files it downloaded from the camera, it's NEF format, Nikon's raw format file system.

Nikon D800 for Astrophotography ?

Open one of the files, it has the size 7360 x 4912 (36Mpix), much more pixel dense sensor than my Canon 6D's 20Mpix sensor. It will make good to my under sampled images.

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