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My astronomy project:
EQ6 Mount and OnStep driver


  1. Introduction, EQ6 and OnStep
  2. OnStep Hardware
  3. Setup FYSETC E4 board
  4. Compile & Upload
  5. Web browser parameter setup
  6. Enclosure and peripherals
  7. Installing hardware in mount
  8. To be continued

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1, Introduction, EQ6 and OnStep:

Three years ago I rebuilt my EQ mount to a belt drive system. I kept the original driver, that caused me some problem when I moved from Windows to Linux control system. The EQMOD driver in Linux didn't have the function to setup custom gear ratio. I had to change in the code of the driver which I couldn't handle myself. Luckily my friend know how to setup a develop kit into the Raspberry and he guided me how to. Now the EQMOD has developed to 64-bit architecture and with that a lot of changes in the code. One other problem is the original hardware driver has a bug (RA drift compensation) that cause me problem when doing this. All these together force me to make another solution, I plan to replace the internal controller board with the open source OnStep driver.

More to read about OnStep:

This is how I rebuilt my EQ6 mount to belt drive: EQ6 mount DIY belt drive.

SkyWatcher EQ6 Mount and OnStep driver

The original controller board with its driver is installed behind this lid of the EQ6 mount.

SkyWatcher EQ6 Mount and OnStep driver

Plenty of space to place a new circuit board here.

SkyWatcher EQ6 Mount and OnStep driver

I will 3D-print a new lid where I can attach brackets for circuit boards and other things.

SkyWatcher EQ6 Mount and OnStep driver

The original circuit board. The black/red cables are a modification from me to make it better, another DC plug with a lock.

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