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GT2 pulleys for focusing a camera lens


  1. Calculating number of teeth
  2. CAD of 15 teeth pulley, part 1
  3. CAD of 15 teeth pulley, part 2
  4. CAD of 15 teeth pulley, part 3
  5. CAD of 15 save and prepare to print, part 4
  6. CAD of 174 teeth pulley, part 1
  7. CAD of 174 teeth pulley, part 2
  8. CAD of 174 teeth pulley, part 3
  9. CAD of 174 save and prepare to print, part 4
  10. CAD of 174 clean from support material, part 5
  11. CAD of 174 new version, part 6
  12. CAD of 174 slicing and printing, part 7
  13. CAD of 12 and 15 teeth, new design, part 1
  14. CAD of 12 and 15 teeth, printing, part 2
  15. CAD of 180 teeth pulley, part 1
  16. CAD of 180 teeth pulley, part 2
  17. CAD of 180 teeth pulley, part 3
  18. To be continued

I take no responsibility or liability for what are written here, you use the information at your own risk!

5, CAD of 15 save and prepare to print, part 4:

Now the first version of the pulley is finished and we shall save it and prepare to print it.

Save the drawing:

3D CAD: Making a drawing for GT2 pulleys to the focuser of lens

First, save the file in FreeCAD's own format.

3D CAD: Making a drawing for GT2 pulleys to the focuser of lens

I save this last drawing with an unique file name.

3D CAD: Making a drawing for GT2 pulleys to the focuser of lens

Next step is to Export the drawing in a format that the slicer program can understand, *.STL is one common standard.

3D CAD: Making a drawing for GT2 pulleys to the focuser of lens

I have the STL files in the same place as the CAD file, later when there are many files another file structure maybe better.

3D CAD: Making a drawing for GT2 pulleys to the focuser of lens

I use Ultimaker Cura to slice the file that I later send to the 3D printer. Slicing your drawing is the same as slicing your cheese. The printer writes in thin slices.

This GT2 has very fine details and I set the Cura to send a command to use a layer height of only 0.1 mm, the finest this printer can handle. I store the file on a SD card and put it in the 3D printer.

3D CAD: Making a drawing for GT2 pulleys to the focuser of lens

Direct when the printer started I see that I made a mistake. The pulley didn't get stuck to the printing bed as it should, it moved around, the bottom part of it get the wrong shape. Next time I add a thicker and wider bottom layer, that is set in the slicer software.

3D CAD: Making a drawing for GT2 pulleys to the focuser of lens

The upper part of the pulley looks perfect.

3D CAD: Making a drawing for GT2 pulleys to the focuser of lens

Compare this GT2 15 teeth pulley with the older T2.5 30 teeth pulley. Huge difference.

3D CAD: Making a drawing for GT2 pulleys to the focuser of lens

The perpendicular hole that I had so big problem with was missing on the printed GT2 pulley. Maybe I used an earlier version of the drawing. I have to drill this 2.5 mm and threaded it. M3 is a small size thread, but next time I shall try to print it, if it works I shall have a big cake. You see the 6 mm shaft hole don't look very nice, it's the end where the printer had problem.

3D CAD: Making a drawing for GT2 pulleys to the focuser of lens

The pulley mounted on the motor, looks good. Next I have to draw the big pulley to the lens. Also the bracket needs a new design, I feel now that I could whatever I want. Maybe a little vertical windmill to power my equipment ?

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