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Chrysler Crossfire
Installing a new jack location point

This is one information page of my collection of what I have repaired on my Crossfire.

You should not do any repair on your car if you don't have enough experience and knowledge! You use this information at your own risk! Don't blame me if something goes wrong.


If you have a Mercedes SLK R170 with a 320 engine it's almost exact the same, in this case it was a bit different.

You have to work with critical parts when doing work on the chassi. Only do this if you have enough knowledge !

Chrysler Crossfire: Jack location point

1, Installing new jack location point:

Already when I bought the car I noticed that one of the jack location points was missing. Normally not difficult to find spare parts to this car, but this was. First you must know the name of it: "Jack location point", "Jack stand pad", "Jack rubber pad" etc. After a while I found them, but only in USA. I live in Europe and it's much cheaper to take the spare parts from Europe and this car is a Mercedes, it must be possible to find them in Europe. When looking for Mercedes R170 they look different. After a while I found that next generation, R171 has these jack pads that look similar to what I have on my Crossfire. I ordered one to see if it fits. Not so strange because the R171 Mercedes was manufactured the same years as the R170 based Crossfire.

Front right side:

Chrysler Crossfire: Jack location point

This is how it looks where the jack point is missing. Just a hole in the frame and the plastic shield. It's located below the front part of the door.

Chrysler Crossfire: Jack location point

This is on the other side and how the jack point should look like.

Chrysler Crossfire: Jack location point

This is what I ordered and got.

Chrysler Crossfire: Jack location point

The part number is 3498488131020 and this one is manufactured by Febi. The shaft on the top is the expander that lock the jack pad to the frame.

Chrysler Crossfire: Jack location point

The expander lock in detail.

Chrysler Crossfire: Jack location point

This screw is screwed into the expander. The car is very low and you need a very short screw driver.

Chrysler Crossfire: Jack location point

I had some problem to get the jack point in correct position. I took help with the jack stand to press it in, still it didn't came in correct position. Note that I used a distance between, you can't set the jack stand on the screw direct.

Chrysler Crossfire: Jack location point

I tried to lock it in position, but it didn't lock correct.

Chrysler Crossfire: Jack location point

I took it apart and checked what was wrong. Note that this is not a flat surface, that why it didn't came in correct position.

Chrysler Crossfire: Jack location point

I have to cut the corner of the rubber pad.

Chrysler Crossfire: Jack location point

Like this.

From Crossfire forum I got more information. There is a R170 Jack point that looks like my modified R171 jack point. It has the Chrysler number 5099715AA.

Chrysler Crossfire: Jack location point

Now it fits perfect, I could just press it on by hand in correct position and then lock it with the plastic screw.

Note: the flat side points outwards !

Chrysler Crossfire: Jack location point

I use the jack stand to test that it fit and also press the jack point all the way in.

The car is very low and sometimes this part hit the ground, then it broke and fall off. Now when I know it fit I can order more of them. They cost only 15 Euro each, it had been difficult to design and 3D-print it and maybe dangerous too if it brake apart.

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