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My astronomy project:
Building an Observatory
(or a playhouse for big boys and girls)


  1. Frame
    1. Introduction
    2. From wood to observatory, bottom frame
    3. Corner pillars
    4. Lower protection panel
    5. Swedish red color panel
    6. Snow and water protection
    7. Stairs to heaven
    8. Building a stable base to the pillars
  2. Roof
  3. Roof mechanics
  4. Floor

I take no responsibility or liability for what are written here, you use the information on your own risk!

Page I.8: Building a stable base to the pillars

Reinforce legs

The long pillars on the northern side have to be reinforced, a diagonal stud fixed that. I got a question about these bricks, it's just a temporary solution.

To have my observatory in correct position I must have it standing on a stable platform. Today I will make that base.

Observatory, concrete base to the legs

First I have to center the observatory building around the pier and have one wall in south direction. From the center of the pier to the closest wall I have 0.95 meters, it's a small observatory but there is no need to stand inside it.

Observatory, concrete base to the legs

In our garden I found this big concrete tiles that I can use.

Observatory, concrete base to the legs

First I make a stone bed that the concrete tile can rest on, very carefully get it in level.

Observatory, concrete base to the legs

And then place the concrete tile on top of the stone bed. Checking that it's still in level.

Observatory, concrete base to the legs

In one corner there is no rock underneath, just a lot of stones.

Observatory, concrete base to the legs

After moving around the stones I got it stable and in level. Then I also have to have the observatory in level. Small wooden wedges make it. Later I have to match the high of the observatory building to the mount and telescope I will have installed into it.

Observatory, concrete base to the legs

These small stones will move away if I don't fix them in position. I will pour concrete over them.

Observatory, concrete base to the legs

First I have high viscous concrete around the rim, later I lift the concrete tile and pour low viscous concrete under it that flow out between the stones.

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