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3: How to find a cometIf you don't want to stay up every night (some people do!) to find a comet by yourselfe there is a lot of information from others. I normally use Seiichi Yoshida's excellent homepage: Scroll down until you see this: ![]() Click on "Weekly Information about Bright Comets" and you will have a list of comets with the brightest at top, he update this list several times per month. ![]() You see the magnitude (m1) and positions for two dates in the table. Click on a comet and you will get even more data for that one: ![]() Here you have the comets orbital data and a star/comet chart. The circles along the line is the comets position at the labeled day. Scroll down and you have a graph of the comets brightness (magnitude) so you can plan which date to look for it. ![]() Now you know if there is any comets to look for, but can you see them from your place? Read on!