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2: How to see a comet?If you are lucky it will come a bright comet, I believe if it has a magnitude of 5 (magnitude is how astronomers measure brightness: wiki/Apparent_magnitude 4 is brighter than 5!) or more there is a chance to see it by naked eye from dark areas. I have only seen two comets by naked eye, Hyakutake in 1996 and Hale Bopp in 1997. With a binocular you will have a better chance to see them, here are some information: With a telescope and camera it could be like this even under hard light pollution: ![]() This is my own photo of the comet Catalina, if you want to know more about what equipment I used you can read here: C/2013 US10 CatalinaNowadays you don't need a very expensive equipment to do photographing on comets, an ordinary DSLR camera will do on the brighter comets.