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Astronomy Calculations:
Excel sheets

My Excel sheet collection.

This is a new page and I will add more information later how to use it.

I don't take any responsible for this, they can have errors in it! Use them at your own risk!

Astronomical Calculations


Simulation of Vignetting:

Similation of Vignetting

With this it's possible to see how big opening is needed of the focuser's inlet and outlet holes and other items that could block the light ray and give vignetting, it depends partly on the FOV calculations. If possible, try to hold the signal over 70% at the edges, more vignetting than that is not good.

With a reducer it can miss calculate a bit, but still give ideas how to design the different parts. Do you need a 2" or 3" focuser?

You shall always compare with others calculations, this is not a high precision calculation, the coma and field flattener optical layout are not known in detail.

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