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Astronomy tutorials


Some software and devices could be difficult to understand and how to use. Here I have wrote some tutorials about software and devices I use or used.

Camera & lens:

Here I do a simple check how well my camera's pixel size match my optics.

Pixel matching
Tutorial: Pixel matching

A clean camera sensor is very important when doing astrophotography. My idea how to clean the sensor from dust and dry stains.

Cleaning the sensor

The interior of the camera and its sensor is very fragile and sensitive, you can destroy the camera by doing this ! leave it to a professional instead.

Tutorial: Cleaning the camera sensor

Canon 6D / Nikon D800 data transfer speed:

Data transfer speed
Canon 6D data transfer

Data base:
Of Canon lenses focus behavior when remote controlled by APT.

Data base: Canon lenses
Data base: Remote controlled lens's focus

Remote control of Canon camera from a smart phone.

Canon remote control
Canon remote control by smart phone

Shall I use many short exposures or few long exposures?

Many vs Few exposures
Tutorial: Many short exposures or few long eposures ?

How to test that the bayering pattern is correct:

Bayer pattern test
Tutorial:Bayer pattern test

ISO DSLR, what's going on inside the camera?

3d flat image

How to find a DSLR's multipliers for RGB values with DCRaw:

DCRaw commands
RGB Multipliers

How to find a cameras time efficiency, a simple simulation:

Camera time efficiency simulation

Simulation of Atik 16200, Canon EOS 6D and ASI 1600.

Camera time efficiency simulation
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