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Double Star
WDS HU 662

Double Star WDS HU 662 (Place the cursor over the image to get info)
Coordinates/Direction : RA: 16h19m, DEC: +51o34'
Object size : Double star separation 4"
Object magnitude : Primary 9.75, Secondary 13.80
Object : WDS HU 662
Date : 2019-02-16
Time (UT) : 01:06 to 01:14
Mount : SkyWatcher EQ6 Pro, Belt drive, beltdrive modified (DIY 2019)
Guide : QHY5 camera with 400 mm f/6.3 lens
Lens/telescope : TS130 APO f/7 910mm, 3" focuser
Corrector/Barlow : 3" field flatter, x1. T48 connector to camera
Field (FOV) : 2.25 x 1.5o (full frame) before crop
camera : Canon 6D, QE=0.5, full frame, 20 Mpixel, 14 bit
camera temperature: About 6o C above surrounding temperature
Film/CCD : Raw, Cr2
Filter : none
Control system : Mount by EQMOD, camera by APT, guide by PHD2, focuser by USB-focus, ASCOM Windows PC
Exp. time : 10x30 seconds, iso1600, dithering mode
Image process tool : AstroImageJ, Fitswork, IrfanView
Processing : demosaic, flat, hot pixel removed by dithering, level. This is a 400x400 pixel 1:1 crop zoomed x2
Weather : clear
Site : Sweden, Stockholm, Hagsätra. Bortle 9
Free view Az: 20o to 90o, 165o to 185o, Alt: 20o to 55o
Comment : After I took the photo of STT 307 I want a double star with a more challenge, two stars that are closer to each other. I found the object HU 662 that has a separation of 4". Can my low resolution telescope that is specially built for wide field resolve these two stars?

As you see there isn't easy to see the two stars with this low resolution, just a little bulge on the lower right side. My system is under sampled, with Drizzle or Super resolution technique I can get better resolution from these photos.
More to know : Double Star, Wikipedia: wiki/ Double star

Stelledoppie, HU 662: index2.php? iddoppia=65746
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