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News on Astrofriend's site
2002 - 2014

2011 - 2014

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20100621 Meteorite craters:
Home>Astronomy>Meteorite craters

20100620 Europe Three city tour by train and river boat:
Home>Travel>Europe>Krakow, Bratislava and Budapest

20100513 SPACE, a meeting at IVA and with Christer Fuglesang:
Home>Astronomy>Articles>Christer Fuglesang at IVA

20100503 7 days in Venice:
Not online


20091130 Fog in Stockholm city:
Home>Photography>Slide shows

20091111 Deep Sky, Milky Way through GRAS, Global Rent A Telescope:
Home>Astronomy>My Photos>Deep Sky>Milky Way

20091110 Astronomy, Observatory hill:
Home>Astronomy>Observatory sites>Stockholm Old Observatory

20091029 An evening at Södermalm:
Home>Photography>Slide shows

20091020 Walk about Slussen:
Home>Photography>Slide shows

20091009 Cruising in Norway:
Home>Travel>Europe>Cruise on the fjords of Norway

20091009 Old Town Copenhagen, Denmark:
Home>Travel>Europe>Baltic Sea Copenhagen

20091006 My homepage moved to new address, fourth edition:
http://www.xxxxxxxx/ (not used anymore)

20090110 Debris-finder, an article about a very special astronomy camera:
Home>Astronomy>Articles>Debris finder


20080806 At last, a new place where I can store my homepages:
Not used anymore!

20080515 Old Town Visby, Baltic Sea:
Home>Travel>Europe>Baltic Sea Visby

20080101 Fireworks 2007:
Not online


20071223 Weapen factory Wira Bruk:
Not online

20071218 Stensättra Fortress:
Not online

20071215 Beaches around the lake Gömmaren:
Not online

20071214 Svindersvik:
Not online

20071214 Update of ship links:
Home>Links>Links#history(Swedish ship info)

20071117 Lots of new links about astronomy:
Home>Links>Links Astronomy

20071110 Car travel in Scotland:

20071023 preprocessing bias, dark and flat images (astronomy):
Home>Astronomy>Tutorials>Calibration astro image processing

20070915 New info about my own car history: Mustang, Dodge, Corvette, Lincoln, Audi & Ka:
Home>Vehicles>My cars

20070812 Perseids meteor shower:
Home>Astronomy>Meteror Showers

20070619 Page with latest links:

20070617 added this news page which include history changes:

20070616 Cruse with Birger Jarl to Åland:
Home>Travel>Swedish>M/S Briger Jarl

20070616 added Skansen:
Not online

20070615 added Gärdesloppet 2007:
Home>Vehicles>Gärdesloppet 2007

20070615 lots of corrections, thank you everybody for the feedback!

20070614 new homepage, replace the earlier one, third edition.


20040224 launch of Astrofriend's homepage second edition.


2002 launch of Astrofriend's homepage.

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