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Astronomy Science Data
Swift data, Messier 51 Galaxy

Astronomy Swift data: Test on Messier 51 Galaxy

Astronomy Swift data: Test on Messier 51 Galaxy
Coordinates/Direction : RA: 13h 29m 52.7s, DEC: +47o 11' 43". Angle calculator
Object size : 11' x 7'
Object magnitude : 8.4
Object : Messier 51, Whirlpool Galaxy
Date : 2005-07-05 to 2005-07-22 and one frame from 2007-03-31
Lens/telescope : Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory
Film/CCD : info coming later: STScI
Filter/Wavelength : 420 to 500 nm ? (blue spectra)
Exp. time : from 50 to 220 seconds, 12 frames
Image process tool : NASA Fv and G9, Fitswork, Irfanview
Processing : Align and median Stack
Site : Space
Comment : These data was very noisy, but still interesting. As you can see are the orientations of the observatory very different between each observation. At the edges where not all images cover you can see that the noise increase (less exposure).

You can compare with my balcony photo of M51:
My own photo of M51

Maybe I can do something interesting in the future with the UV spectra.
More to know : M51 Galaxy:
Whirlpool Galaxy, Wiki

Zoom in on the material transfer between the galaxies

Astronomy Swift data: Test on Messier 51 Galaxy
Object : Messier 51, Whirlpool Galaxy
Lens/telescope : Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory
Film/CCD : info coming later: STScI
Image process tool : NASA Fv and G9, Fitswork, Irfanview
Comment : Here you can better see the material transfer between the two galaxies. The small galaxy is the NGC 5195. 1:1 pixel scale.
More to know : NGC 5195:
NGC 5195, Wiki
Satellite galaxy:
Satellite galaxy, Wiki
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