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Quadruple Star

Object : Capella, or Alpha Auriga
Coordinates/Direction : RA: 05h16m, DEC: +45o59'
Object size :  -  
Object magnitude : 0.3
More to know : Capella, Wikipedia: wiki/ Capella

Capella 2024-09-14:

Capella, 2024 (Click on the image to get one in full resolution in a new window)
Date : 2024-04-15
Time (UT) : 21:50 to 22:56
Mount : SkyWatcher EQ6 Pro, beltdrive modified (DIY 2019)
Guide : ASI120 camera with off-axis
Lens/telescope : Pentax 645 FA 300 mm ED f/4 (medium format lens)
Corrector/Barlow : -
Field (FOV) : 6.8x4.5o (full frame) before crop
camera : Nikon D800, QE=0.56, full frame, 36 Mpixel, 14 bit
camera temperature: - , no temperature sensor
Film/CCD : Raw, NEF
Filter : none
Control system: Mount, camera, focus, guide (Ekos) controlled by Astroberry (KStars/Ekos Linux, 64-bit)
Exp. time : 59x60 seconds, iso400, dithering every 3th
Image process tool : Siril, Gimp, Irfanview
Processing : flat, photometric color calibration
Weather : some clouds, full Moon, temperature +14 C
Site : Sweden, Stockholm, Hagsätra. Bortle 9
Free view Az: 20o to 90o, 165o to 185o, Alt: 20o to 55o
Comment : A test image on the star Capella. I wanted some very bright star to give idea how well the camera and optics handle the contrast. This is a 800x800 1:1 crop around the star. One weaker star very close to Capella.

Focus quality:

Capella, 2024

Siril which I normally use today when stacking images. It has some tools, this is the plot of how well the stars is focused. One image is bad and got much worse focus, I removed that image before stacking.

Capella, 2024

The other images that are left has the FWHM from 4" in the beginning and after one hour it has got out of focus and have a FWHM of 4.66. Already something happened after 40 minutes, not sure what it was. But what does this mean, can I use the photos, or ? One look at the first and last photo.

Anlyzing the focus on the sub images:

Capella, 2024

This is the first image in the stack, look at the individual stars how well they are focused.

Capella, 2024

This is the last image in the stack, it can clearly be seen that it is out of focus relative the first one. Is it possible to do anything about it ? Earlier I used a temperature compensation system, but it was very hard to calibrate. Another method which I use is to let it auto focus every hour. But as can be seen here it's not enough. Focusing take time and you lose exposure time. It's possible to setup KStars/Ekos to measure the quality of the focus and if needed it do an auto focus. It can be disturbed by clouds, one reason that I don't use it. But I will take a look at it.

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