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Chrysler Crossfire
Rust problem and protection

This is one information page of my collection of what I have repaired on my Crossfire.

You should not do any repair on your car if you don't have enough experience and knowledge! You use this information at your own risk! Don't blame me if something goes wrong.


If you have a Mercedes SLK R170 with a 320 engine it's almost exact the same.

You have to work with the electric parts when removing some devices. Disconnect the battery, the negative terminal ! When disconnecting the battery the alarm and radio will be reset, be sure to have any codes that's needed!

Chrysler Crossfire, 2005, rust problem

3: Rear compartment

In the rear of the car where normal car has its spare tire it's common with water leakage. It's not only a rust problem, sensitive electronic devices is placed here.

Middle rear compartment:

Chrysler Crossfire: Rust in rear compartment

To the left, almost perfect condition. To the right some surface rust. It's here on the right side the anti theft device is placed and it's common it get water damage.

Chrysler Crossfire: Rust in rear compartment

I also notice that I have a dent on the floor. The car is very low and I or some earlier owner hit something.

Chrysler Crossfire: Rust in rear compartment

With a lever I get enough force to push the dent out.

Chrysler Crossfire: Rust in rear compartment

Almost perfect. Brushed the surface and clean it, put on some rust protection on the surface. Some kind of wax.

Chrysler Crossfire: Rust in rear compartment

Nothing to do on the left side.

Right behind the rear wheel:

Chrysler Crossfire: Rust in rear compartment

The hose upper right comes from the gas filling space. I must do a test if the water flows out on the ground or into the car. There are some surface rust here but no serious problem, the car is 20 years old now !

Chrysler Crossfire: Rust in rear compartment

The problem, it's very narrow here and difficult to look into it. I clean as good I could, brush on rust protection. Hold the camera into here and took a photo to see how good I succeed.

Chrysler Crossfire: Rust in rear compartment

The rear side of the same compartment.

Left behind the rear wheel:

Chrysler Crossfire: Rust in rear compartment

Much better, almost no traces of rust.

Chrysler Crossfire: Rust in rear compartment

Cleaned and brush it and put on rust protection.

Chrysler Crossfire: Rust in rear compartment

Rear end of the same space.

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