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Summer photowalk in Hagsätra, 2020

My girlfriend Gunilla found the Fotoklubb Hagsätra on a Facebook group.

Now in June they have a photowalk and we participated. It's Andy Foster who is founder of the group.

Summer pohotowalk in Hagsätra forest, 2020

It was just a 5 minute walk from where we live to where we start this photowalk. Here we have just arrived and joined the group. Andy is the man in the red shirt. I asked the other people if it was ok to have them on my homepage, it's more interesting to see the photos when we practices then.

Summer pohotowalk in Hagsätra forest, 2020

It's up to us what to take photos of, I start with a close up of a big green leaf. Today I use my latest zoom lens, a Tamron 24-70mm f/2.8. This photo is underexposed 1/3 step.

Summer pohotowalk in Hagsätra forest, 2020

We walked deeper into the forest. This forest and walking path is a protected area.

Summer pohotowalk in Hagsätra forest, 2020

An old tree caught my interest, the rough structure on the surface give us a clue about its age.

Summer pohotowalk in Hagsätra forest, 2020

A broken twig.

Summer pohotowalk in Hagsätra forest, 2020

Gunilla taking a close up of a pine cone.

Summer pohotowalk in Hagsätra forest, 2020

My version of the pine cone.

Summer pohotowalk in Hagsätra forest, 2020

A pile of wood.

Summer pohotowalk in Hagsätra forest, 2020

Andy give us instructions how to control the background light.

Summer pohotowalk in Hagsätra forest, 2020

The branches of the tree give an exiting view.

Summer pohotowalk in Hagsätra forest, 2020

An alien thing in the nature.

Summer pohotowalk in Hagsätra forest, 2020

A fallen dead tree.

Summer pohotowalk in Hagsätra forest, 2020

A close up of the blue flower. I can't do real macro photographing with the lens I brought today.

Summer pohotowalk in Hagsätra forest, 2020

More exiting objects to photograph.

Summer pohotowalk in Hagsätra forest, 2020

Leaf of a fern, even this one is underexposed by 1/3 step.

Summer pohotowalk in Hagsätra forest, 2020

When I took this photo I had problem with the light and contrast. I should have brought the reflex screen. With that I can have better control of the light.

Summer pohotowalk in Hagsätra forest, 2020

Deep green oak leaf.

Summer pohotowalk in Hagsätra forest, 2020

The girls have found something interesting on the ground. Let us know what it is !

Gunilla tells us:
It was some withered oak leaves.

Summer pohotowalk in Hagsätra forest, 2020

A tree against the blue sky background.

Summer pohotowalk in Hagsätra forest, 2020

We climb up to the summit and get this panorama view over the village Örby. Andy show us techniques how to take panoramas with smartphones.

Summer pohotowalk in Hagsätra forest, 2020

In the background we see a new building.

Summer pohotowalk in Hagsätra forest, 2020

Panorama photos is always fun to take. To get this panonrama I took plenty of photos to have a really wide image.

Summer pohotowalk in Hagsätra forest, 2020

Andy discuss with us how to use these exiting object and how to handle the contrast.

Summer pohotowalk in Hagsätra forest, 2020

One more exiting tree.

Summer pohotowalk in Hagsätra forest, 2020

Practicing on photographing flowers.

Summer pohotowalk in Hagsätra forest, 2020

Gunilla found a yellow flower.

Summer pohotowalk in Hagsätra forest, 2020

They found something in the tree.

Summer pohotowalk in Hagsätra forest, 2020

On this sunlit street we practice to take portrait photos. Andy show us how to use with or without flash.

Summer pohotowalk in Hagsätra forest, 2020

Close up of another flower.

Summer pohotowalk in Hagsätra forest, 2020

White flower.

Summer pohotowalk in Hagsätra forest, 2020

Oh, a rabbit. Please Mr rabbit, get out to the sunlit place and come closer.

Summer pohotowalk in Hagsätra forest, 2020

Hey, why are you running away from me ?

Gunilla and I thanks Andy a lot for the great day !

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