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My astronomy project:
Setup astroserver with Raspberry Pi5


  1. Introduction
  2. Setup 64-bit OS
  3. Setup KStars and Ekos 64-bit
  4. Change Bookworm Waylane to X11
  5. Disable Auto-mount
  6. Setup a GPS
  7. To be continued

I take no responsibility or liability for what are written here, you use the information on your own risk!

3, Setup KStars and Ekos 64-bit:

Astroberry isn't updated for Pi5 yet, maybe the end of 2024. Until then the installation of Raspberry and Ekos must be done manually. But there is help, a script can be used to make this easier.

There is a learning curve for me how to use this script, but it doesn't look to complicated.

From the link above there are 5 steps to follow.

Step 1, clone git repository:

Here I have screen dumps of the process when installing the source files and compiling them. All done with script. The command is typed in to the commando window below in the Raspberry. I add more text later that explain what's going on.

Raspberry Pi5 with passive cooler, used as an astro server

Follow the instructions from Indi forum.

Give the first command and the downloading of needed files to compile is downloading.

  • git clone

Check what maps has been created:

  • ls

Sometimes when giving commands it could ask for your password.

Step 2, enter cloned directory:

Raspberry Pi5 with passive cooler, used as an astro server

Changing directory to where the downloaded cloned files is stored.

  • cd astro-soft-build

Step 3, install dependencies:

Raspberry Pi5 with passive cooler, used as an astro server

Install dependencies files.

  • ./

This is a slow process, totally it took more than one hour to do this. The Raspberry could be hot, haw good ventilation around it to cool it down. After a while it ask if you want to continue. If okay, type y and return.

Step 4,If you are using QHY camera:

Raspberry Pi5 with passive cooler, used as an astro server

I have a QHY guide camera and installed the needed extra files for this.

  • ./

Step 5, run one of build- -xxxx:

Raspberry Pi5 with passive cooler, used as an astro server

I chose to build the stable version and give this command. Note that the instructions missing the "./", that's why I got an error message.

  • ./

Raspberry Pi5 with passive cooler, used as an astro server

After 17 minutes it has come this far.

Raspberry Pi5 with passive cooler, used as an astro server

41 minutes later, still installing, reusing some objects and continue.

Raspberry Pi5 with passive cooler, used as an astro server

After 47 minutes it has starting building the objects.

Raspberry Pi5 with passive cooler, used as an astro server

95% done and 77 minutes later.

Raspberry Pi5 with passive cooler, used as an astro server

Linking librarys.

Raspberry Pi5 with passive cooler, used as an astro server

Finished at last, 96 minutes, one and a half hour.

Checking which KStars version that was installed:

Raspberry Pi5 with passive cooler, used as an astro server

I want to be sure that I have installed the 64-bit version of KStars.

This command give me information where to look:

  • which kstars

And this command give me the information of what's installed which include the information from above:

  • file /usr/bin/kstars

It return the line: "ELF 64-bit LSB executable". Sounds correct. Now what's left is just to do a normal setup of the KStars/Ekos.

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