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Astronomy and History
articles, events and reports


With this I try to inspire young boys and girls to do studies in astronomy.

Speech / Föredrag:

Kommande föredrag: Swedish flag

  • Öppen föreläsning av Henning Schmidt, Stockholms Universitet

    Kommande händelser

    Datum: torsdag 3:e april, 2025
    Tid: kl 18:15-19:15
    Plats: Oskar Kleins auditorium (FR4), AlbaNova universitetscentrum, Roslagstullsbacken 21

Stockholms Universitet
  • Stan Barmentloo: The Mystery of the Missing Carbon: a detailed analysis of carbon emission in SESNe nebular spectra

    Föreläsning av: Stan Barmentloo

    Datum: torsdag 27 mars, 2025
    Tid: 13:15 - 14:15
    Plats: A5:1003, Albanova ?

Nordita, Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics
  • Onsdagshistorier, Stadsarkivet

    Kommande händelser

    Datum: onsdagar, 2025
    Tid: ofta kl 13
    Plats: Olika platser i Stockholm, flest på Stadsarkivet Kungsholmen

Stockholms Stad

Earlier Astronomy seminars, mini reports:

Julföreläsning med Carl-Olof Fägerlind och Max Kesselberg, 2024.Sweden

Julföreläsning i Michaels Faradays anda
Julföreläsning med Carl-Olof Fägerlind och Max Kesselberg, 2024

Star clusters as footprints of star formation, 2019.

Star clusters as footprints of star formation
Seminar: Star clusters as footprints of star formation, by Angela Adamo 2019

The ALMA Fornax Cluster Survey, 2019.

How does the galaxy cluster environment affect molecular gas and star formation?
Seminar: How does the galaxy cluster environment affect molecular gas and star formation?, by Nikki Zabel, 2019

Neutron stars mergers and computer simulations, 2019.

Multi messenger picture of merging neutron stars
Seminar: Multi messenger picture of merging neutron stars, by Doc Tim Diedrich, 2019

Understanding the evolution of star-exoplanet systems, 2019.

Star Exoplanet Evolution
Seminar: Understanding the evolution of star-exoplanet systems, by Doc Katja Poppenhäger, 2019

Lyman spectra, 2019.

Lyman Spectra from high Z sources
Seminar: Lyman Spectra by Christian Herenz, 2019

Spectra from Exoplanets and stars, 2019.

Spectra from Exoplanets and stars
Spectra from Exoplanets and stars, 2019

Sweden's first astronaut, Christer Fuglesang talks at IVA, 2010.

Christer Fuglesang IVA
Christer Fuglesang at IVA
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