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My astronomy project:
Repair of Star Adventurer mount (and a look inside)


  1. Overview of the parts and an inside look for broken parts
  2. Adjustment of worm gear and gearbox
  3. Will it work after this repair and adjustment?
  4. Complement with a tripod
  5. Complement with a light weight holder
  6. Polar Align
  7. Travel kit
  8. Dithering ?
  9. Red Dot Finder
  10. Test photo on M31 and M45
  11. Soldering mini USB contact

I take no responsibility or liability for what are written here, you use the information on your own risk!

3: Will it work after this repair and adjustment?

It looks like the gearbox works now and it's much quieter, but the LEDs flashes, maybe an indication of too heavy load or too stiff gearbox. I have to adjust it one more time and also take apart the gearbox to see if some of the shafts are bent.

I will do a test as it is now, among test that's important to do is to let the RA axis do one complete revolution to see that it don't get stuck at some position. From this I will get more experience of what can be wrong.

If I understand it right the batteries in the mount will last up to 40 hours, the camera (Canon EOS 6D) battery will last 4 to 6 hours.

Now I use the 5 volt USB battery pack through the Star Adventurers USB port, the battery same as I use to the dew heater electric band.

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