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Observatories that I have visited:
3.1: the Newton reflectorAfter we had walking around at the main building we walk down to the observatory that holds the 1 meter Newton reflector. ![]() Before we reach the observatory building we have a garage on the right side, maybe once it was used to store something for the telescope. ![]() This telescope was in the 1990s used by the students to practice on instrument observations. They had in 1993 bought a CCD camera which is much more sensitive then the old film. I used that camera with a Nikon lens to take photographs of the comet Hyakutake 1996, my first digital photography ever. I was taking a course in observation technique and my teacher was Göran. He learned me a lot and I still use that knowledge. ![]() The entrance has two doors. I have been inside this building a couple of times. I only remember the big telescope that took a lot of space. ![]() They must have done a lot of preparations of the hill to build all these buildings and the roads that connect them together. ![]() Photographer: Unknown This Newton telescope has two focus lengths, one is 5 meter and the other of extreme 18 meters. Even this telescope was built by Grubb Parsons & Co Ltd.
On the fundament of the telescope can be read: ![]() The impressive doom with two ladders on the sides of the slit's opening in the dome. My friend Gunnar told me that maybe the amateur astronomy club EAF, Ericsson Astronomi Förening will do an attempt to have this Newton telescope in work again. ![]() Behind the observatory building there is a platform. Not for observations even if it can be used to that. ![]() A view to Southern direction. The Sun is going down now and we are speeding up with the photography of the buildings. ![]() The dome with its hatches. When they open, they slide apart to the sides and the telescope can look out through the slit. ![]() The dome's hatches are heavy and ride on small wheels on each side. It can not be easy to get all these openings and moving parts to be water tight. ![]() View from the entrance of the observatory. The small island down there is the Restaurantholmen, in front of the hotel of Saltsjöbaden. A page from Stockholm's University and a very old film they have found from the observatory:
I have now photos from the interior and the telescope, see next page.