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NGC 5322

Object : NGC 5322 galaxy
Coordinates/Direction : RA: 13h49m, DEC: +60o11'
Object size : 5.9' x 3.9'
Object magnitude : 10.1
More to know : Wikipedia: wiki/ NGC 5322

NGC 5322, 2020-02-13 processed 2024

NGC 5322 Galaxy, Sweden2020 (Click on image and get one in full resolution in a new window)
Date : 2020-02-13
Time (UT) : 20:52 to 22:53
Mount : SkyWatcher EQ6 Pro, Belt drive, beltdrive modified (DIY 2019)
Guide : QHY5 camera with 400 mm f/6.3 lens
Lens/telescope : TS130 APO f/7 910mm, 3" focuser
Corrector/Barlow : 3" field flatter, x1. T48 connector to camera
Field (FOV) : 2.25 x 1.5o (full frame) before crop
camera : Canon 6D, QE=0.5, full frame, 20 Mpixel, 14 bit
camera temperature: About 6o C above surrounding temperature
Film/CCD : Raw, Cr2
Filter : none
Control system: Mount, camera, focus, guide (Ekos) controlled by Astroberry (KStars/Ekos Linux)
Exp. time : 52x120 seconds = 106 minutes, at ISO1600, dithered
Image process tool : Siril, Gimp, Irfanview
Processing : synthetic bias, flat, photometric color calibration
Weather : clear sky, temperature 0o Celsius
Site : Sweden, Stockholm, Hagsätra. Bortle 9
Free view Az: 20o to 90o, 165o to 185o, Alt: 20o to 55o
Comment : One of the objects that I didn't processed earlier. Too bad data with dirt on the sensor. But now even that can be handled in the new software I use. A tiny galaxy, only 1/5 of the Moons angle diameter. It's an elliptical galaxy and the diameter is about as our Milky Way. The distance is 80 million ly. It was discovered already 1790 by William Herschel. I need a bigger telescope ! Watch the full resolution photo with all the objects marked from NGC 5322 plate solved, 6 objects are identfied.
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