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1999 years Solar eclipse

Object : Sun & Moon
Object size : 0.5 degree each
Object magnitude : -
More to know : Wikipedia: wiki/ Sun wiki/ Moon

Solar eclipse 1999:

Solar Eclipse 1999
Object : Sun and Moon
Date : 1999 11 August
Time (UT) : 09:35 to 12:00
Mount : EQ4, motor
Lens/telescope : MTO Rubinar 4" 1000 mm f/10 to project on a matte screen
Corrector/Barlow : Konica50 mm f/1.7 (f/16) 35 mm camera lens, reversed for macro photographing
Filter : none
camera : Konica T3
Film/CCD : Kodak PJ 400
Exp. time : 0.001 seconds
Weather : some clouds
Site : Sweden, Stockholm, Midsommarkransen. Bortle 9
Comment : At Stockholm where I was it's not a total eclipse, about 70%. Several sunspots are visibly, they are the grey dots on the Suns surface. Each is of comparable size as the Earth. The Sun are 400 times farther away than the Moon and the size of Sun is also 400 times the Moon so they looks to have the same sizes. They both cover an angle of 0.5 degree.

Solar eclipse path:

Saros 145 1999-08-11 solar eclipse, credit NASA Credit: NASA

From NASA's Solar Eclipse Search Engine it's possible to find older solar eclipse data. From that I also got this map and data. It's the Saros 145 solar eclipse, Saros is a 18 years cycle. The blue line is where it was a total solar eclipse. Stockholm in Sweden is far away North from this blue line.

Solar eclipse animation

Solar Eclipse 1999 animation
Object : Sun and Moon
Date : 1999 11 August
Time (UT) : 09:35 to 12:00
Film/CCD : Kodak PJ 400
Exp. time : 30 x 0.001 seconds
Comment : 30 photos taken 5 minutes apart and put together to a time lapse movie. Because Stockholm is on a too high Latitude the Sun and Moon don't line up perfect. At lower latitudes, example at Hungary they line up. But at that place it was clouds and heavy rain, my friends were there.
More to know : Wikipedia: wiki/ Solar eclipse wiki/ Saros (astronomy) SolarEclipses.aspx
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