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IC 360

Object : IC 360 Nebula
Coordinates/Direction : RA: 04h10m, DEC: +26o11'
Object size : 180' x 100'
Object magnitude : -
More to know : The Sky: sky/ deepsky/ ic360-object

IC 360 Nebula 2024-08-31

IC 360 Nebula, 2024
Date : 2024-08-31
Time (UT) : 23:38 to 01:04
Mount : SkyWatcher EQ6 Pro, beltdrive modified (DIY 2019)
Guide : QHY5 camera with 200 mm f/3.5 lens
Lens/telescope : Pentax 645 300 mm ED f/4 (medium format lens)
Corrector/Barlow : -
Field (FOV) : 6.8x4.5o (full frame) before crop
camera : Canon 6D, QE=0.5, full frame, 20 Mpixel, 14 bit
camera temperature: About 6o C above surrounding temperature
Film/CCD : Raw, Cr2
Filter : none
Control system: Mount, camera, focus, guide (Ekos) controlled by Astroberry (KStars/Ekos Linux)
Exp. time : 30x30 seconds, iso1600, every third dithered
Image process tool : Siril, Gimp, Irfanview
Processing : synthetic bias, flat, astro metric color calibration
Weather : Clear sky, temperature 12 degree Celcius
Site : Sweden, Stockholm, Hagsätra. Bortle 9
Free view Az: 20o to 90o, 165o to 185o, Alt: 20o to 55o
Comment : An experiment to catch the nebulosity around M45, Pleiades. This time it was only 20 degrees above the horizone. Later when it's higher up and with a IR modded camera I do a new try. I can build a mosaic of three other nearby photos.
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