Object : | IC 341 Nebula |
Coordinates/Direction : | RA: 03h42m, DEC: +22o02' |
Object size : | 135' x 135' |
Object magnitude : | - |
More to know : |
The Sky:
https://theskylive.com/ sky/ deepsky/ ic341-object |
Exp. time : | 4x30x30 seconds, iso1600, every third dithered |
Image process tool : | Siril, Gimp, Hugin, Irfanview |
Processing : | synthetic bias, flat, astro metric color calibration |
Weather : | Clear sky, temperature 12 degree Celcius |
Comment : |
These are very short exposures and doesn't show much nebulosity.
But the goal was only to test how to do mosaicing.
Taking the photos isn't complicated, not more than usual at least.
But to stitch them together is more difficult.
I tested with Gimp, it can be done but it's complicated when the optics has some slight distortion and the image also has some rotation that must be corrected for.
There are some software that are specialized on this, Astro Pixel Processor.
But I wanted to do the test with some free software.
I use Hugin for daytime photographs, maybe it could be used.
After some struggling with all the settings I got good results from it. With better quality of the photos It could be very good.
But needs many hours of exposures and a H-Alpha sensitive camera. |