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My travel in Europe:
By train in Northern Germany, 2022


Day 1 to 2, from Stockholm to Rostock:

We started our travel as we planned, a ferry from Nynäshamn in Stockholm to Rostock in Germany. From where we live we took a local train to Nynäshamn.

Our ferry to Rostock:

This is a new ferry line that started as late as 2021.

Here is a map of todays route:

The map cant show the ferry line, but the start and stop is correct.

Day 1:

Onboard the Ferry Drotten:

The ferry depart at 7 pm but we were there much earlier to be sure that any delay on the local trains don't cause us problem.

Travel in Northern Germany by ferry, buses and trains, 2022

This ferry, Drotten, take 18 hours from Nynäshamn to Rostock. It's an old ferry from the Nynäshamn / Gotland line. We must have something to do to not get boring. Eating is one thing we can do, but we were not very hungry. Ordered a typical Swedish dish, one with pan cakes and another with Swedish meatballs and share them between us.

Travel in Northern Germany by ferry, buses and trains, 2022

We had a terrific weather this evening and could enjoy the sunset.

Travel in Northern Germany by ferry, buses and trains, 2022

One drawback with this ferry, there wasn't any free cabin for us. Of course because we almost didn't pay anything for the ferry ticket, only 28 Euro. We have the flight chair to sit on and it could be tilted back. Some people make their bed on the floor. Something we learned for the next ferry we took.

Day 2:


Travel in Northern Germany by ferry, buses and trains, 2022

In the morning we waked up at 8 am. Hungry as we were we go to the restaurant and bought a breakfast buffe. Very good and lot of food to choose from for us.

Rostock is placed at the outlet of the river Unterwarnow and it's about 10 km to Baltic Sea which is here. First contact with land is Warnemunde and we had a beautiful view over the beach.

Travel in Northern Germany by ferry, buses and trains, 2022

There are a lot of boat traffic here and a lot to look at.

Travel in Northern Germany by ferry, buses and trains, 2022

A Paris Wheel has been setup at the bridge, behind is the Warnemunde train station.

Travel in Northern Germany by ferry, buses and trains, 2022

Offices or flats ? I'm not sure, one of them could be a hotel.

Ferry terminal:

Travel in Northern Germany by ferry, buses and trains, 2022

We got off the ferry quickly because we had brought our light weight luggage with us. But now, how to come to Rostock and the old center where our hotel is ?

We could have bought a transfer but we want to learn how to use local busses and trams. After a while we found a bus that took us to Rostock's Luthen. We couldn't pay the bus ticket because the ticket machine was broken. The bus driver helped us how to proceed. At the tram station there is a station where we can buy tickets.

9 Euro ticket:

Now something happen that change our travel plans totally. We have read something about a 9 Euro ticket but didn't understand how it could be used. We thought maybe we could use that ticket to buy train tickets for 9 Euro each. At the station they explained for us in German/English. They say, buy this ticket and you can use all regional trains, busses, trams and subways. What ? And then she said, you can use it during the whole August !

9 Euro ticket, 2022

Wonder ticket ! We didn't only save a lot of money, we saved a lot of stress and don't have to worry over the time schedule for the trains. No booking, just jump on the train.


Travel in Northern Germany by ferry, buses and trains, 2022

From Luthen we took the tram no 1 to Rostock city. To our happiness we see old buildings along the way, that's a environment we like.

Travel in Northern Germany by ferry, buses and trains, 2022

Jump off after the Neuer Markt at the tram station Steintor which is very close to our hotel.

Travel in Northern Germany by ferry, buses and trains, 2022

We are two hours too early to check in at the hotel, meanwhile we sat down at a street restaurant to have something to drink. We have to celebrate our success to come to Rostock without any problem.

Travel in Northern Germany by ferry, buses and trains, 2022

Now the clock is 3 pm and we can go to the hotel and check in, Blue Doors Hostel Altstadt. Even if it's a hostel we have our private room. Very clean and soft environment. They also offered breakfast and we bought a breakfast buffe for the next morning.

Our first stay in Germany:

Travel in Northern Germany by ferry, buses and trains, 2022

Rathaus at Neue Markt, an impressive building and the have a restaurant at the street, but we never got time to eat at that place.

Travel in Northern Germany by ferry, buses and trains, 2022

4 pm and the market is closed at the Neue Markt.

Travel in Northern Germany by ferry, buses and trains, 2022

As usual there are a lot of old churches in old towns, even this one. Maria Church or Marienkirche as they say in Germany.

Here is more information about St. Mary's Church:

Travel in Northern Germany by ferry, buses and trains, 2022

We walk on Kröpeliner Strasse, this is the shopping and restaurant street. Here is an alley to it we have walked into.

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Travel in Northern Germany by ferry, buses and trains, 2022

In the middle of the city is a park with a fountain, the Brunnen der Lebensfreude.

Travel in Northern Germany by ferry, buses and trains, 2022

It was something important with this building, but forgot it. Very beautiful anyway.

Travel in Northern Germany by ferry, buses and trains, 2022

Just before the Western city wall was this abbey.

Travel in Northern Germany by ferry, buses and trains, 2022

The tower Kröpeliner Tor which once was a part of the city wall.

Travel in Northern Germany by ferry, buses and trains, 2022

Part of the city wall, earlier connected to the tower.

Travel in Northern Germany by ferry, buses and trains, 2022

At the end of the old city we took a walk towards the river Unterwarnow. Didn't look very nice to go down here so we skipped it this evening.

Here is more information about Unterwarnow:

Travel in Northern Germany by ferry, buses and trains, 2022

We found another alley that look nicer and walk it down. What a surprise, a 1960s Lincoln was parked on the street. We look for a market where we can buy water for the night and tomorrow.

Travel in Northern Germany by ferry, buses and trains, 2022

Even at these blocks there are a lot of nice buildings.

Travel in Northern Germany by ferry, buses and trains, 2022

Now we had come to the Maria Church once again and could see it from the other side.

Travel in Northern Germany by ferry, buses and trains, 2022

This is a gate belonging to an abbey Mönchentor. On the other side, the harbor.

Travel in Northern Germany by ferry, buses and trains, 2022

The harbor with two big magazines. We will visit this place during daytime later.

Travel in Northern Germany by ferry, buses and trains, 2022

We even found a small steam locomotive here. I like this place !

Travel in Northern Germany by ferry, buses and trains, 2022

At last we found a market, Netto, where we could buy water. After that we walked back to Neue Markt.

Travel in Northern Germany by ferry, buses and trains, 2022

Now we are almost at our hotel. At the tram station we have this tower, Steintor, also this tower was once a part of the city wall.

Travel in Northern Germany by ferry, buses and trains, 2022

Behind the block in front of our hotel is part of the city wall left intact, it's the Eastern side of the wall.

Here is more information about Rostock:

Travel in Northern Germany by ferry, buses and trains, 2022

The city wall continue in the Eastern direction to another tower.

Travel in Northern Germany by ferry, buses and trains, 2022

Did they have the staircase on the outer side of the tower, or ? The name of this tower is Lagebuschturm.

Travel in Northern Germany by ferry, buses and trains, 2022

One more tower are waiting in front of us, this tower is even bigger and has the name Das Kuhtor.

Travel in Northern Germany by ferry, buses and trains, 2022

Same tower but from outside.

Travel in Northern Germany by ferry, buses and trains, 2022

Now we feel very tired, didn't sleep very well this night and we want to go to bed. Nearby our hotel is this hotel that looks nice too.

Travel in Northern Germany by ferry, buses and trains, 2022

Our hotel, we must stay in the most beautiful building in this town.

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