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Astronomy Science Data, POSS-II
Messier 1, Crab Nebula

POSS-II: M1 Crab Nebula
Coordinates/Direction : RA: 05h34m, DEC: +22o00'
Object size : 420" x 290" (whole image 60' x 60')
Object magnitude : 8.4
Object : Messier 1
Date : 1985 to 2000
Lens/telescope : Samuel Oschin Telescope
Film/CCD : POSS-II, credits: STScI
Exp. time : IR 65 minutes, Red 65 minutes, Blue 65 minutes
Image process tool : AstroImageJ, Fitswork, Irfanview
Processing : Green channel from average of red and blue
Site : Mount Palomar, USA
Comment : Compare what you get from your own telescope.
More to know : Wikipedia: wiki/ Crab Nebula

Use of the IR spectra as a replacement of the green:

POSS-II: M1 Crab Nebula
Image process tool : AstroImageJ, Fitswork, Irfanview
Processing : In this image the IR spectra has been used to the green channel
Comment : It looks that a lot of IR radiation comes from the central part of the nebula, the green color. But I think it's mostly because the red and blue spectra is oversaturated.

There is one (arrow) very green star above the nebula, then it should have more IR brightness compare to the surrounding stars. My star chart is not detailed enough to identify this star.

According to Thomas Karlsson this is the star HD 244988, a red giant, spectral class M2, from VSX data.

The spectra is not calibrated.
More to know : Star HD 244988:
M1 and HD 244988: m1.html

Use of the IR spectra as a replacement of the red, red replace the green:

POSS-II: M1 Crab Nebula
Image process tool : AstroImageJ, Fitswork, Irfanview
Processing : In this image the IR spectra has been used to the red, and red to the green channel
Comment : i.e. the IR, Red, Blue object spectra transform to Red, Green, Blue output channel on the monitor.
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