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My astronomy project:
Sigma 150mm f2.8 to use on Star Adventurer mount


  1. Introduction, why use this lens?
  2. Vignetting test
  3. Sharpness in corners with star test
  4. Canon 6D and Sigma 150mm f2.8 mounted on Star Adventurer
  5. Photo on M31 and M45 * (You are here!)

5: Photo on M31 and M45

Now I have started to collect astronomy photos with my Sigma APO 150 mm lens, my firsts photos are on the objects M45 Pleiades and M31 Andromeda galaxy.

You can examine them in detail here:

Look and see what you think of the Sigma lens. Note, the polar align wasn't perfect.

There isn't much written about this lens used to astrophotography. For me it feels that it deliver quality without too much costs.

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