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Chrysler Crossfire
Engine air filters replacement

This is one information page of my collection of what I have repaired on my Crossfire.

You should not do any repair on your car if you don't have enough experience and knowledge! You use this information at your own risk! Don't blame me if something goes wrong.


The air filters are a critical part of the engine. Only replace them if you have the knowledge how to do it correctly.

I'm not sure how often you have to replace the filters, it depends very much of the environment where you drive the car. Maybe 10000 km (16000 miles).

Chrysler Crossfire, 2005 battery alarm light

2, Installing the new air filters:

Chrysler Crossfire: Find and replace the engine air filters

Before unpacking the new filters, do a check that you have got the correct filters. It's not the same as the Mercedes SLK 320. When unpacking the new filters you should of course not have them on the ground, have them on a clean place.

It came one filter in each package, but sometime I have seen there are two filters in each package. Check carefully before ordering how many, you need two of them.

Chrysler Crossfire: Find and replace the engine air filters

Fit the gasket (the red or pink colored edge of it) of the filter in the groove of the filter cover.

Chrysler Crossfire: Find and replace the engine air filters

Pull down the gasket all the way around.

Chrysler Crossfire: Find and replace the engine air filters

If the gasket slip outside the groove the engine maybe suck in dirty air, very bad, it will destroy your engine. Screw the filter covers back on the main cover backside, the silver cover. Don't over tight the screws, the cover is made of plastic and easily break.

Chrysler Crossfire: Find and replace the engine air filters

Now it's time to reinstall the main cover to the engine, it's a little bit tricky. There are five spring loaded holders that fit to the engines five rubber blocks. Three at the front and two at the back end. It's not easily to have all these five holders and the filter outlet connected to the engine at the same time.

I got this tips from Crossfire forum:
"Put a little dab of vaseline at each of the retainer clips. Just a dab will make them slip into place more easily, and avoid any squeaks from your intake"

Chrysler Crossfire: Find and replace the engine air filters

Close up of one of the spring loaded holders.

Chrysler Crossfire: Find and replace the engine air filters

This is my procedure, maybe other have better ideas. I start to connect the air inlet from the main cover to the engine. Tilt the main cover upwards at the front and connect to air outlet of filter to engine air inlet. Lower the front and still hold the air outlet to the engine.

Chrysler Crossfire: Find and replace the engine air filters

The main cover almost all the way down.

Chrysler Crossfire: Find and replace the engine air filters

Press down the main cover at the back end above the blocks that hold the cover. Start with one side at the back end.

Chrysler Crossfire: Find and replace the engine air filters

The push down the other corner of the main cover.

Chrysler Crossfire: Find and replace the engine air filters

Before pushing down the front end, connect the two air inlet tubes.

Chrysler Crossfire: Find and replace the engine air filters

Use your fingers to feel that the air tube is fitted correctly to the inlet tube all the way around. If it don't slips in all the way something is wrong, redo the procedure.

Chrysler Crossfire: Find and replace the engine air filters

Do a check that the air outlet still is connected to the engine air inlet. Sometimes these is very easily done and sometimes I have some trouble to get it to fit together.

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