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My travels in Europe:
Bus travel in Cappadocia in Turkey

Bus travel in Cappadocia in Turkey, day 2:

  1. Day 1: Antalya
  2. Day 2: Manavgat, river boat tour*
  3. Day 3: Cappadocia, Taurus Mountains - Mevlana - Konya - Göreme
  4. Day 4: Cappadocia, Göreme - Ugrup - Avanos - Pasabag
  5. Day 5: Cappadocia, Göreme - Kaymakli - Uchisar - Nevsihir - Ortahisar
  6. Day 6: Cappadocia, Göreme - Aksaray - Konya
  7. Day 7: Antalya old town - home

Manavgat, river boat tour

Turkey, Manavgat river boat tour

Here are we waiting for the transfer bus that shall take us to Manavgat river and the boat. We get up 6 a clock in the morning to have some breakfast before, our first day!

Turkey, Manavgat river boat tour

After a short bus travel we come to the river. The river has its beginning in the mountains and runs through the town of Manavgat. Here we are at the river, south side of town.

Turkey, Manavgat river boat tour

This is the river boat, it's a big wooden boat, that's something we can't see in Sweden anymore.

In Turkey they are still building this big wooden boats. You will see more of it later.

Turkey, Manavgat river boat tour

9 a clock in the morning and now the boat starts and take us along the river.

Turkey, Manavgat river boat tour

The name of the boat, Syyadigar. I tried to translate it with Google translator but it failed. Maybe a name of a girl, or?

Turkey, Manavgat river boat tour

Not only this boat is built of wood, almost all boats are built in wood. Look at the boat to the left. It has a water slide straight through the stern.

Turkey, Manavgat river boat tour

A bridge with a market on it. One year later we visited this place again when we was in old town of Manavgat.

Turkey, Manavgat river boat tour

Is it the remains of an old bridge or is it an old Roman aqueduct? There are a lot of Roman aqueduct ruins around here, the purpose for most of them was to send water to nearby Side. It's very impressive to se this aqueducts and how the old Roman engineers success to built them.

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Turkey, Manavgat river boat tour

Along the river we saw several fish farms.

Turkey, Manavgat river boat tour

We stopped at one of the farms and the crew bought fish they would later cook and invite us to lunch with.

Turkey, Manavgat river boat tour

The river looks to be important to all fishers.

Turkey, Manavgat river boat tour

To our surprise we meet a pirate ship. They must be very popular because we saw a lot of them later.

Turkey, Manavgat river boat tour

Turkey, Manavgat river boat tour

Along the river we saw many ship yards, it's here they build these big wooden boats or ships, very impressive.

Turkey, Manavgat river boat tour

It's very empty along the sides of the river, maybe they have problem at the rain period with flooding.

Turkey, Manavgat river boat tour

Ship officer.

Turkey, Manavgat river boat tour

Goats along the Manavgat river.

Turkey, Manavgat river boat tour

Turkish flag, for a long part of the journey we sat at the platform down there at the stern.

Turkey, Manavgat river boat tour

Here we have come to the end of the river, on other side you see the Mediterranean Sea.

Turkey, Manavgat river boat tour

Here we moor at the small bridge after a little bit over one hours drive on the river.

Turkey, Manavgat river boat tour

Turkey, Manavgat river boat tour

We got one hour free time to walk along the beach.

Turkey, Manavgat river boat tour

Some people try to fishing but I don't think they got any fish.

Turkey, Manavgat river boat tour

Turkey, Manavgat river boat tour

Turkey, Manavgat river boat tour

Turkey, Manavgat river boat tour

Turkey, Manavgat river boat tour

Someone forgot his or her shoe.

Turkey, Manavgat river boat tour

Turkey, Manavgat river boat tour

Turkey, Manavgat river boat tour

Turkey, Manavgat river boat tour

Turkey, Manavgat river boat tour

Here is the estuary where river flows into the Mediterranean Sea.

Turkey, Manavgat river boat tour

A fast walk back to the boat where the lunch was waiting.

Turkey, Manavgat river boat tour

Turkey, Manavgat river boat tour

Turkey, Manavgat river boat tour

Now we are leaving this beautiful place and go back to Manavgat city.

Turkey, Manavgat river boat tour

Turkey, Manavgat river boat tour

Turkey, Manavgat river boat tour

This was the only big building we saw along the river, a hotel.

Turkey, Manavgat river boat tour

On the way back to the hotel we was a bit early and the bus chauffeur got time to drive us through the city Side. Wow... exactly what we want to see. A year later we went around here among the ancient Roman and Greek remains. That will be a new story later.

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To next part: Cappadocia, Taurus Mountains - Mevlana - Konya - Göreme

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