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My travel in Europe:
By train in Southern Germany, 2023


Day 3, Heidelberg:

This morning we take our breakfast in our room, not very much because we plan for an early lunch. But first of all we want to visit the old bridge once more and walk to the other side of the river.

Overview of old town of Heidelberg:

Altstadt is old town in German language.

Heidelberg Altstadt:

Souther Germany by train, 2023

Out on the old streets once again, here they some kind of flowers hanging down the wall.

Souther Germany by train, 2023

It's not far to the Old Bridge, we already see it in the background.

The Old Bridge:

Souther Germany by train, 2023

A close up on bridge's pillar where all the marks are for the water level, all the way to the top when it was flooding.

Souther Germany by train, 2023

Walking on the bridge to the other side, here we stop at the statue of Carolo Theodoro, I think it's Latine.

Souther Germany by train, 2023

Upstream the are a dam with three ports and a lock.

Souther Germany by train, 2023

Halfway up the hill the castle we visited yesterday, here we also find the oldest part of the town.

Souther Germany by train, 2023

Downstream the river Neckar, that's where we find the modern city and the railway station.

Souther Germany by train, 2023

Halfway over the bridge.

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Souther Germany by train, 2023

There are two small houses at the beginning of the bridge, maybe custom houses. Looks more modern then the rest of the old town.

Souther Germany by train, 2023

Another statue, the same Carolo Theodoro. The walking the last 100 meters to the other end and turn back.

Souther Germany by train, 2023

The city main gate from outside. We can read on a sign that the Germans blew up the bridge in 1945.

Zeughaus Mensa im Marstall:

Souther Germany by train, 2023

Leaving the bridge and walking along the river downstream. Zeughaus Mensa im Marstall, the students house with a restaurant seen from the river.

Wooden boat:

Souther Germany by train, 2023

When we walking along the river we found this old wooden boat. It looks to be a Swedish C.G. Pettersson boat, not so different from the mahogany cruiser that my father had.

Kongresshaus Stadshalle Heidelberg:

Souther Germany by train, 2023

Our plan is to walk to the Bismarckplatz, when we are almost there this magnificent building appear. It's a congress hall among other things.

Souther Germany by train, 2023

On the gable of the house we find the Stadshalle which is under renovation.

Souther Germany by train, 2023


Souther Germany by train, 2023

At last we had come to the square Bismarckplatz, a bit noise for us and we turn back. The city walls once ended here.

Souther Germany by train, 2023

We came by the street Haupstrasse but take the street Plöck back to our hotel, the feet hurts and it's time for a rest.

Souther Germany by train, 2023

Back to our nice hotel. We stay here two hours for a rest.

Witch Tower:

Souther Germany by train, 2023

After the rest on the hotel room we walk out again, now we want to some museum. We have read about an Egypt museum. On the way we pass by the Witch Tower once again, now we examine it a bit closer.


Souther Germany by train, 2023

After we had asked about the Egypt museum we got here. It's not about Egypt more the antic Greek. But it's under renovation and closed. When we visited the history museum in Berlin last year it was also closed.

Souther Germany by train, 2023

On the backside of the museum we have the student's house. We walk in to the yard behind.

Souther Germany by train, 2023

From here we got an idea what the museum is about, it's the Greek history.

Zeughaus Mensa im Marstall:

Souther Germany by train, 2023

Now when we are here, why don't see what we can get here. We found food but not that hungry yet. But there was also coffee and other things to drink, coffee for Gunilla and white wine for me. A very calm place to sit down at.

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Souther Germany by train, 2023

After almost an hour we left the place. Walking into an alley where there are a lot of restaurants, Untere street. Last evening we found an Italian restaurant here which looked very nice, we asked the young girls sitting at the table if the food was good, they say: we always eat here at the evenings.

Souther Germany by train, 2023

Now it started to rain and we walked quickly to the Italian restaurant. First we tried to sit outdoors but we got wet, moved indoors. We shared a pizza once again, it tasted magnificent.

Souther Germany by train, 2023

After finished the dinner we walked out, but it still raining and we looked after some other place to get indoors. We find an English pub that looked cozy and there we stayed the rest of the evening.

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