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Chrysler Crossfire
Anti theft alarm

This is one information page of my collection of what I have repaired on my Crossfire.

You should not do any repair on your car if you don't have enough experience and knowledge! You use this information at your own risk! Don't blame me if something goes wrong.


You have to work with the electric parts. Disconnect the battery, the negative terminal ! When disconnecting the battery the alarm and radio will be reset, be sure to have any codes that's needed!

Chrysler Crossfire, Anti theft alarm

9, Liftgate switch:

From my earlier measurement I saw that the switch in the tailgate show strange values. Now it's time to investigate that problem. This part is a bit complicated to take apart, but have done most of earlier when the liftgate's lock mail function.


Chrysler Crossfire: Liftgate switch

First must the panel be removed on the liftgate. Under a lid there is a Torx screw to remove.

Lock bracket:

Chrysler Crossfire: Liftgate switch

The black bracket must be removed, four ten mm nuts.

Chrysler Crossfire: Liftgate switch

There are also three Torx screws to remove.

Chrysler Crossfire: Liftgate switch

The middle Torx screw is hidden under the cable, move it aside.

Chrysler Crossfire: Liftgate switch

Be careful to not damaged the black cable. Disconnect the blue and black connector to the right.

Chrysler Crossfire: Liftgate switch

It's a bit tricky to get it out from the tailgate. Here how it looks like when removed.

Second lock bracket:

Chrysler Crossfire: Liftgate switch

Next bracket to removed is also hold by Torx screws.

Chrysler Crossfire: Liftgate switch

The two other Torx screws at the handle.

Chrysler Crossfire: Liftgate switch

They can be very tight, I used this tool to removed them.

Tailgate switch:

Chrysler Crossfire: Liftgate switch

The bottom part is the vacuum/pressure remote unlock/lock device. The arrow points where the switch is located, still not possible to see.

Chrysler Crossfire: Liftgate switch

Disconnect the black cable, push the lock hook to get it free. I let the vacuum hose still to be connected, too easy to brake the plastic part.

Chrysler Crossfire: Liftgate switch

The arm at the arrow must be unlocked, fragile parts !

Chrysler Crossfire: Liftgate switch

Gently bend the lock away and move the axis out.

Chrysler Crossfire: Liftgate switch

Two more Torx screws to remove. It's easier to move out the lock mechanism if the handle is pushed in.

Chrysler Crossfire: Liftgate switch

To be sure that it isn't a cable that is short cut I measure the switch, the problem is here, the switch is always on. I think I can use the remote now to lock the car, it's only that the tailgate is sense.

Can the switch be replaced ?

Chrysler Crossfire: Liftgate switch

Chrysler Crossfire: Liftgate switch

Here inside the lock's enclosure sits the switch. The enclosure can not easy be opened, it's riveted together.

Chrysler Crossfire: Liftgate switch

I could removed the switch's lock plate without destroying it.

Chrysler Crossfire: Liftgate switch

But the space is too narrow to let it out.

Chrysler Crossfire: Liftgate switch

With a bit force I got it out, of course now I destroyed it. But doesn't matter because it's broken anyway.

Chrysler Crossfire: Liftgate switch

It looks to be a normal micro switch where they have mold some plastic around the incoming cables.

Chrysler Crossfire: Liftgate switch

Normally you buy a new complete lock mechanism when you repair this mail function switch, but try to find this spare part for a 20 years old car. Here is the part number: A193 750 01 85

Chrysler Crossfire: Liftgate switch

This little bracket hold the micro switch in place. I can 3D-print a new one that fit the new micro switch when I find someone that I can use.

Chrysler Crossfire: Liftgate switch

Connect the cables and hoses back to the Central Pump unit. Install the protection foam around it.

Chrysler Crossfire: Liftgate switch

Install the foam panel back.

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