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Biograf Sländan Museum |
Biograf (Cinema) Sländan Museum:Today we had decided to visit a camera flee market. It was held in Southwest of Stockholm city in Tullinge. When we arrived we found that they didn't open until 11 am, we were 30 minutes too early. The flee market was held in a cinema. We took a look in the surrounding and found a lot of old machines that once had belonged to the cinema, it was a museum! Very interesting for me and I took a closer look while we waiting until the camera market opens. I thought, this must be interesting to all my friend also, I asked if I could take photos of the machines and have them on my homepage, yes it was ok. So here it is, follow me on a walk among the old machines. The owners told that they have replaced all the old equipment with a digital projector and sound system in 2014. They had also got a lot of machines from other cinemas. Cinema:![]() This is the foyer of the cinema with the owners Göran & Ingegerd Hesselgren behind the desk. ![]() We walked in the to the cinema for a look, here it's dark, of course, it's a cinema! ![]() Here is the cozy saloon. You can read more about the cinema on Biograf Sländans homepage:
![]() Behind the window to the machine room we got a glimpse of the old and new machines. ![]() These discs are used to hold the film, only the big long movies. ![]() The new digital projector, most of these kind of projectors are of the DLP construction. It's a D-Cine Premiere projector. More info about the projector, it's Barco that manufacturer them:
Museum, projectors:![]() After had seen the modern cinema I walked to the museum next door. This is how it could look in an old machine room to a cinema. Compare these discs that hold the film on this projector with the big ones we saw through the window earlier. If the film is long you have to shift the film discs, you have two projectors and when the first film ends you start the second projector. Normally you don't notice when it changes. ![]() I another room there are a lot of projectors standing on a row. There are Philips and AGA machines. AGA projectors was manufactured by the Swedish company AGA. At that time they did a lot of equipment, today more concentrated on the gas industry. |
![]() Another row a projectors, the first two machines are AGA projectors, maybe the others too. You can read more about AGA projectors (only Swedish) at this link:
Göran told me that he must stop to collect projectors, there are to many now, he just missing one old model of AGA projector. ![]() If you are interested in photography, astronomy or optics you know that when you see something with the brand Zeiss there are something fantastic in quality. The shining lens is an Bausch & Lomb lens license manufactured by AGA. I hade one once, it's a CinemaScope lens, it sit on top of the ordinary lens. You can read more about CinemaScope at Wikipedia:
![]() A Bauer projector hose, the lamp house is connected to the left. Do you see all the gears and rollers inside that make it working? ![]() The second machine was something strange, I have to ask the owner later on what it was used for.
Göran tells: You can read more about CinemaScope here:
![]() Another projector, a Brenkert model Enarc, I have never heard of that name earlier. I found some information about Brenkert at Wikipedia:
Strange machine, it was used to project clouds in theatres. Museum, Sound:![]() In the beginning there were no sound to the movies, you have to have an orchestra or something. This is an early horn equipped speaker, several meters wide, the size is needed to handle the low frequencies. The horn is used to increase the efficiency of the speaker. They had to because of limitations in the amplifiers at that time. The sign says it was built 1938 and was used until 1979. The amplifier that drive this speaker had the power of 12 Watt. Sound films history at Wikipedia:
![]() The yellow AGA amplifier that was used to the horn speaker above. ![]() AGA Baltic Ljudsystem, power amplifier. Vacuum tube amplifiers are always exiting, maybe you have seen my page about vacuum amplifiers? |
![]() The other 12 Watts power amplifier. ![]() The sound selector. Interesting readings about AGA Soundsystem:
![]() All these machines needs electric power and controls. The black box down right controls the light in the saloon. ![]() Not sure about this, but the ampere instrument has a scale up to 150 Ampere which is very much if it's on the high voltage. ![]() What could this be? Maybe a control for a transformer, light control? This was a much more exiting day then we expected, but what happened with the camera flee market? I found a Manfrotto tripod, I will used that mount to my astronomy equipment. I shall mount a Star Adventurer head on top of it. |
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