https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v= tj-gDFrYnG8
(Can THIS remove my Newtonian star spikes, and turn it into a refractor, The Lazy Geek) NEW October 2024
https://docs.kde.org/trunk5/en/ kstars/ kstars/ ekos-focus.html# focus-aberration-inspector
(KStars: Focus aberration inspector, KDE) NEW October 2024
https://www.astroworldcreations.com/ ... aberration-inspector-to-analyse-backfocus-and-sensor-tilt
(KStars 3.6.8: Aberration inspector to analyse back focus and sensor tilt, Astro World Creation) NEW September 2024
https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v= mfAGivG9Koc
(Make Your Own Optical Lenses, Breaking Taps)
https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v= 3ZQ5yjOeKiY
(Why 10,000 tiny lenses are the key to our sci-fi future, Freethink)
https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v= SS2AbZVdk2A
(How a Lens Creates an Image, Huygens Optics)
https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v= 6VriRXxoM_U
(How to Clean a Vintage Lens with a Huge Fungus Infection, Mathieu Stern)
https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v= TOywVLWvmOs
(BAADER MPCC MARK III Coma Corrector Review and Proper Spacing For Dobsonian Telescope, Keep it simple)
https://www.cloudynights.com/ topic/ 799029-coma-correctors-does-it-matter-which-one/
(Coma correctors - does it matter which one, Cloudy Nights)
http://www.bbastrodesigns.com/ Newt Designer.html
(Newtonian Telescope Designer, Mel Bartels)
https://www.cloudynights.com/ ... collimating-a-maksutov-newtonian-with-a-howie-glatter-laser-collimator-r3377
(Collimating a Maksutov-Newtonian with a Howie Glatter Laser Collimator, Cloudy Nights)
https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v= TItMxGqwipk
(How To Collimate A Basic RC Telescope, AstroAddict)
https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v= puoh1ikzonA
(How To Do High Resolution Planetary Astrophotograhy, Damian Peach)
https://www.altairastro.help/ star-testing-a-modern-ed-doublet-refractor-with-altair-camera/
(Star testing a modern ED Doublet refractor, Altair)
https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v= 3cl2lyqgDRc
(Pentax 67 300mm Lens, Fix Old Cameras)
https://www.astrofotoblog.eu/ ?p=856
(Worldwide coma correction exercise, Astrofotoblog)
http://interferometer-tests.blogspot.se/ 2013/06/ 2542000-10-ritchey-chretien-gso.html
(GSO RC 10", Interferometer test, Tommy Nawratil)
https://www.thingiverse.com/ thing: 1987284
(Bahtinov mask generator, Bot-ork)
http://www.bbastrodesigns.com/ Newt Designer.html
(Newtonian Telescope Designer, Mel Bartels)
http://stevesastro.blogspot.com/ 2013/05/ collimating-my-gso-rc8-telescope.html
(Collimating RC telescope, Steve's Adventors)
https://stellafane.org/ tm/newt-web/ newt-web.html
(Newton telescope Web design tool by Kenneth H. Slater, math and physics by Dale Keller)
http://www.sfu.ca/ ~dmunro/ Coma corrector test.html
(Correct a SCT telescope with a coma corrector, Duncan Munro)
https://www.dpreview.com/ news/ 5938566942/ japan-sends-a-modified-pentax-300mm-f4-lens-into-space-aboard-its-kitsune-6-microsatellite
(Japan sends a modified Pentax 300mm F4 lens into space aboard its Kitsune 6 microsatellite, DPreview)